IT Announcements
DeepSeek AI is no longer permitted on W&M’s network and devices
Access to DeepSeek AI on state-owned networks and university-owned devices is prohibited.
Update regarding faculty/staff access to W&M Gmail and Google Calendar
Faculty and staff access to Gmail and Google Calendar will be removed on October 29th.
Cable TV Retirement
William & Mary has decided to no longer offer cable TV and Contour TV services campus-wide
Direct Publisher Integrations in Blackboard
Beginning in Fall 2024, faculty and instructors should work to provide complete course material requirements – including where Access Codes may be needed for specific assignments – in their course syllabus.
IT Tips for Students - Fall 2024
IT is here to help you start the semester off strong!
Important update on Microsoft licensing for affiliate accounts
Under Microsoft's new licensing model, university-issued affiliate accounts will only have access to the web version of their O365 apps, which means they will need to use a browser to create, edit, and share documents and emails.
Account information for graduating students
So you've what? Find out what happens to your access to IT services when your role at the university changes from a student to alumni.
Transitioning from the Scantron to Gradescope
William & Mary is retiring use of the Scantron machine and moving to Gradescope for bubble sheet exams.
Turning off W&M Gmail & Google Calendar
Information Technology will be turning off student access to W&M Gmail inboxes and Google Calendars this summer, which is one of the final steps in William & Mary’s transition to Microsoft Office 365. Faculty and staff access will be discontinued in the fall.
Mobile App Interest Survey
Information Technology and University Communications want to hear from you! Let us know what features you would like to see on the W&M Mobile app by taking a short survey by April 23, 2024.
Duo is getting a new look!
Duo's new authentication experience is called the Duo Universal Prompt, and it’s designed to be even simpler and faster than ever.
Workday selected as W&M's new ERP
Workday will replace some of Banner as the new enterprise software platform for finance and human resources.
Gartner Access Now Available at W&M
W&M introduces Gartner’s Campus Access, offering students, faculty, and staff unlimited access to top-notch research on IT trends, vendors, products, and technologies. Gartner provides detailed technical insights, knowledge, and best practices to enhance initiatives and results, expedite project timelines, and reduce risk.
New safety tip in Outlook
The first contact safety tip in Microsoft Outlook guards against phishing, which is the number one threat to cybersecurity at the university.
Transitioning to Blackboard Learn Ultra Courses
William & Mary will be transitioning from Blackboard's Original Courses to Ultra Courses. This view is a more modern and adaptable learning management design and will establish a more contemporary and student-friendly learning environment.
Namecoach now available in Teams and Outlook
The name pronunciation tool is now available on your most-used platforms.
Podium computers upgraded to Windows 11
Podium computers running Windows 10 have been upgraded to Windows 11.
Recent phishing attempts at W&M
W&M Information Security has been tracking and monitoring some recent phishing attempts impacting students, faculty and staff at the university.
Blackboard Course Generator Upgrade
Blackboard Course Generator is undergoing a major transformation, bringing you an enhanced experience and a host of new features.
MOVEit Transfer Security Incident
You may be aware of the cybersecurity event that is impacting thousands of organizations across the world involving a software product called MOVEit. W&M does not use the MOVEit data transfer product itself and university systems are not directly impacted by this event. However, at least three of the university’s third-party vendors who handle data involving W&M people have been impacted (National Student Clearinghouse, United Healthcare and TIAA).
Use of TikTok, WeChat, other apps prohibited for employees on university network.
A new state law in Virginia prohibits employee and independent contractor access to certain apps on state-owned wireless networks and university-owned devices.
IT launches new website
In June, W&M IT launched a new website that features new pages with content curated for faculty, staff and students, highlights popular tools and services, shows how to subscribe for updates for the services you use most and much more!
Account information for graduating students
So you've what? Find out what happens to your access to IT services when your role at the university changes from a student to alumni.
Changes regarding network storage drives
IT has kicked off a project to retire legacy local storage and move to modern cloud storage.
Upgrade to Windows 11
Computers currently running Windows 10 will soon automatically upgrade to Windows 11.
Banner SaaS Cloud ERP Demo
Banner vendor Ellucian is coming to W&M for on-site demos April 25-26th.
Blackboard Courses from 2020 to be Archived on 5/17
Export or archive your Blackboard courses from Spring and Fall 2020 to maintain readily available access to them.
A fresh look for the Change Password website
The Change Password website is getting a new look! Check it out so you know what to expect the next time you need to visit the site to update your password.
Student Opportunity: Connect with professionals and learn about cybersecurity
Applications for TEEM are open. TEEM is a free eight-week program that offers Virginia college students an opportunity to connect with professionals and learn about cybersecurity outside the classroom. There are only 25 positions available.
Qlik Upgrade Friday, Feb. 24
Qlik is getting a fresh new look with the latest upgrade on February 24, 2023 at 4pm.
Workday Management Cloud ERP Demo
Cloud ERP vendor Workday is coming to W&M for on-site demos.
Open Office Hours for Blackboard/Panopto/Zoom
IT and STLI are joining forces to offer Virtual Office Hours for faculty that will focus on Blackboard, Panopto and Zoom on January 18th from 3:30 - 5pm and January 24th from 10-11am.
Retiring Google Accounts for Recognized Student Organizations
While Google Workspace apps are here to stay for individual student accounts, Recognized Student Organizations will no longer have access to their Google accounts (, including Gmail and Google Calendar, as of June 5, 2023. RSOs can decide if they would like to opt-in to a university-offered O365 account, which will include email, storage options and more.
Important Update to Alumni Google Services
For a variety of reasons, the university has decided to phase out alumni access to Google services beginning in January 2023 and ending in August 2023.
W&M IT launches new service status webpage
W&M Information Technology recently launched a new, modern webpage that keeps the university community up-to-date on the status of their many services.
A New Phone System for W&M - Teams Calls
W&M's phone service will be moving to Microsoft Teams Calls, bringing you an easy-to-use system with more flexibility and reduced phone costs!
Student Email - Getting Started with O365
Here are some tips for getting started with Microsoft O365 email as well as answers to your questions about the email transition.
Gmail & Calendar Transition to Office 365
While Google Workspace apps are here to stay, students will now be given email and calendar access in Microsoft O365 with an address.
IT Tips for Students - Fall 2023
IT is here to help you start the semester off strong!