Payroll Intro
The Payroll Department is responsible for processing salary and wage payments for all William & Mary and Virginia Institute of Marine Science employees (referred to collectively as W&M), ensuring that payroll taxes are reported and deposited in a manner consistent with state and federal policies and procedures.
Please review the following topics or contact us for more information or assistance.
Contact Us
VIMS Payroll Office is staffed, as needed, by appointment only. Please get in touch with our office to schedule an appointment.
Williamsburg Professional Centre 2nd Floor 1314 S. Mt. Vernon Ave Williamsburg, VA 23185
Map & DirectionsHours
- Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Us
- Email:
- Phone: 757-221-2848
Search Financial Operations
Explore Financial Operations
Responsible for receipting, depositing funds, and disbursing cash, salary, and travel advances issued.
Financial Reporting
Responsible for creating new accounts, approving all adjustments, beginning balance transactions, and debt management for bond-funded capital outlay projects.
Financial Systems
Ensures all accounting records are appropriately documented and accurately recorded within the university's Finance System.
Fixed Asset Management
Manages financial reporting of fixed assets, including equipment, land, buildings, infrastructure, construction-in-progress, leased financed equipment and surplus property.
Internal Controls
Responsible for compliance with the Commonwealth of Virginia's ARMICS directives.
Payment Card Processing
Responsible for guidelines that departments must follow to accept credit and debit cards as services and/or merchandise payments.
Responsible for processing salary and wage payments for all, ensuring that payroll taxes are reported and deposited consistent with state and federal policies and procedures.
Receivables & Collections
Responsible for collecting assets belonging to William & Mary, including all receivables owed to the university for which goods and services have been provided.
Student Accounts
Responsible for the assessment, billings, and collection of tuition, fees, meal plans, housing, and other charges. The department is also responsible for processing student refunds or other account overpayments.
Tax Compliance
Ensure compliance with various tax laws and regulations and develop (and enforce) appropriate policies and procedures to meet compliance requirements and protect the tax-exempt status.
Provide reimbursement payments, guidance and information regarding travel and business meals.