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William & Mary mailing and shipping address formats.
Mailing Address
Shipping Address

William & Mary
Recipient's Name
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

William & Mary
Recipient's Name
Building, Room #
Street Address
Williamsburg, VA 23185

This is a quick reference of major schools, departments and offices. For an office not listed, contact the W&M operators at 757-221-4000, visit W&M A-Z or search all of W&M.

Listing of major schools, departments and offices with their contact information.
Main Number (W&M operators) 757-221-4000  campus telephone numbers
Admission (Undergraduate) 757-221-4223 | Email applying to W&M, tours, visiting, prospective students
Advancement 757-221-1001 | Email supporting W&M, ways to give
Alumni Association 757-221-1842 alumni affairs, homecoming, reunions
Athletics sports
Arts & Sciences Graduate Studies 757-221-1966

administers admissions, registration, graduate financial aid, curriculum policy and procedure, and degree certification for A&S graduate degree programs.

Career Development & Professional Engagement 757-221-3231 | Email career advising, job and internship postings, on-campus recruiting, student outcomes data
Financial Aid 757-221-2420 | Email scholarships, grants, loans, work study
Human Resources 757-221-3169 | Email employment at W&M
Information Technology 757-221-4357 | Email computers, passwords, blackboard, banner, email
President's Office 757-221-1693    
Provost's Office 757-221-1993  
Registrar 757-221-2800 | Email registration, transcripts, academic calendar, exam schedule, domicile, graduation, non-degree seeking admission
Residence Life 757-221-4314 | Email housing
Reves Center for International Studies 757-221-3590 | Email study abroad, international affairs, global education, international students, scholars & programs
Student Accounts 757-221-1220 | Email tuition and fees, room and board, ebill
Student Affairs 757-221-1236 | Email commencement, family programs, student handbook, health and wellness, student leadership, student success
University News & Media 757-221-2630 | Email news, media relations
Washington (D.C.) Center 202-939-4000 | Email  
William & Mary Libraries 757-221-3072 | Email books, digital media and more!
Arts & Sciences 757-221-2465  
Law School 757-221-3800  
School of Business 757-221-4100  
School of Education 757-221-2317  
School of Marine Science/
Virginia Institute of Marine Science