Abrams, Andrew
Ph. D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Simon Middleton
Email: [[aabrams]]
Current Research: Early America, Political Economy, History of Science
Graduate Student Bios and Research
Bender, Madeline
M.A. Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Bowthorpe, Avonlea
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Catherine Kelly
Email: [[acbowthorpe]]
Current Research: Atlantic World; Women and Gender; Labor and Commerce
Boyce, Kathleen (Katie)
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Adrienne Petty
email: [[klboyce]]
Current Research: History of Sports & Leisure; Gilded Age & Progressive Era
Brabble, Jessica
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Melvin Ely
Current Research: American South; Popular Culture; Eugenics and Disability
Email: [[jmbrabble]]
Brady, Mark
M.A. Student
Advisor: LuAnn Homza
Current Research: Latin America; Migration Studies; Modern Spain
Case, Timothy
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Melvin Ely
Email: [[tacase]]
Current Research: Civil War/Emancipation Memory, African American History, Spatial History
Chia, Eve-Marie
M.A. Student
Advisor: Hiroshi Kitamura
Chrysanthis, Thalia
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Hannah Rosen
Email: [[tchrysanthis]]
Current Research: United States, Legal History, Women and Gender
Conner, G. Jasper
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Melvin P. Ely
Current Research: African American, Disability, Labor
Website: gjasperconner.com
Critchfield, William
MA Student
Advisor: Dr. Adrienne Petty
Current Research: American South, Extralegal Violence, Historical Memory
Curran, Aiden
M.A. Student
Advisor: Paul Mapp
Donovan, Sarah
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Josh Piker
email: [[sfdonovan]]
Current Research: Early American Frontier, British/Irish Atlantic World, Extralegal Violence
Estreicher, Justin
Ph. D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Andrew Fisher
Email: [[jtestreicher]]
Current Research: United States, Native American/Indigenous Peoples, Cultural/Intellectual
Fisher, Audrey
M.A. Student
Advisor: Jody Allen
Garrison, Taylor M.
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Hannah Rosen
email: [[tmgarrison]]
Current Research: Family, Gender and Sexuality, Early America
Goldberger, Tyler J.
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Hiroshi Kitamura
email: [[tjgoldberger]]
Current Research: Historical memory, America in the World, transnationalism and human rights
Website: tylergoldberger.com
Haddad, Samantha (Sam)
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Dr. Leisa Meyer
Email: [[srhaddad]]
Current Research: Ireland/Irish America, Women/LGTBQ, Nationalism/Republicanism, Transnational Social Movements
Hardin, Jenna
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Email: [[jlhardin]]
Current Research: History of Emotion, Early America, Early Modern Britain
Haygood, Tamia
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Hannah Rosen
Email: [[tkhaygood]]
Hillam, Kaitlyn
M.A. Student
Advisor: Julia Gaffield
Current Research: Atlantic World; Family; Women and Gender
Jockel, Joan
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
advisor: Karin Wulf
Current Research: British Atlantic, Gender and Sexuality, Race
Keegan, Lucy
M.A. Student
Advisor: Julia Gaffield
Knox, Lucy
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Joshua Piker
Email: [[lhknox]]
Current Research: Early America, religious history, indigenous history.
Lee, Travis
Ph. D. Student
advisor: Hiroshi Kitamura
Email: [[thlee02]]
Current Research: U.S.-East Asian Relations, Labor, Immigration
Macdonald, Alexandra M.
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Nicholas S. Popper
Email: [[ammacdonald]]
Current Research: Material Culture, Time & Temporality, Atlantic World
Website: http://alexandrammacdonald.com/
Magness, Emily Dixon
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Joshua Piker
email: [[edmagness]]
Current Research: Gender and Sexuality, Native American/Indigenous Peoples, Early America
McCall, Sidney Rose
Ph. D. Student
advisor: Jody Allen
Email: [[srmccall01]]
Current Research: Environmental History, Long Civil Rights Movement, Childhood, Gender, and Unfreedom
Merriman, Jennifer
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Nicholas Popper
Email: [[jamerriman]]
Current Research: Germany, Atlantic World, History of the Book
Miralles Bianconi, Micaela
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Fabricio Prado
email: [[mmirallesbianc]]
Current Research: Atlantic History- Latin American History- Rio de la Plata
Motter, Jennifer
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Nicholas Popper
Email: [[jamotter]]
Current Research: Early Modern Dutch Empire, Atlantic World, History of Knowledge
Oxford, Mitchell Edward
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Christopher Grasso
email: [[meoxford]]
Current Research: American Religion; Atlantic world; Catholicism in the Americas
Packel, Zoë
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Joshua Piker
Email: [[zmpackel]]
Current Research: Native American/Indigenous Peoples, Environmental History, Early America
Pleasants, Adam
M.A. Student
Advisor: Paul Mapp
Rodriguez, Lucas
Advisor: Joshua Piker
Email: [[lrrodriguez]]
Schwartz, Kaila Knight
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Karin Wulf
email: [[kkschwartz]]
Current Research: Early America, the history of the family, New England
Smitherman, Kirsten A.
M.A. Student
Advisor: Catherine Kelly
Email: [[kasmitherman]]
Current Research: Cultural/Intellectual, Early America, Sex and Gender
Sparks, Hadley
M.A. Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levtian
Sweat-Montoya, Sydney
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Julia Gaffield and Dr. Fabricio Prado
Email: [[ssweatmontoya]]
Current Research: Caribbean History, Political Economy
Taylor, Lillian
M.A. Student
Advisor: Nicholas Popper
Telling, Katy
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Karin Wulf
email: [[kstelling]]
Current Research: Quakers in early America; 17th/18th c. Family/Gender; early American South
Toussaint, Rebekah
Ph. D. Student
advisor: Adrienne Petty
Email: [[rljoyce]]
Current Research: Gender and Race; 19th/20th c. America; Transnational/Comparative; Public History and Memory
Warren, Elliot
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Simon Middleton
email: [[ejwarren]]
Current Research: Age of Revolutions, History of Capitalism, the French and British Atlantics
Weisenberger, Kayla P.
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Piker
email: [[kmpittman]]
Current Research: Native American/Indigenous Peoples, Historical Memory, Race
Wells, Emily
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Karin Wulf
email: [[epwells]]
Current Research: Girlhood, Material Culture, American South
Werner, Kai R.
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Joshua Piker
Email: [[kwerner]]
Current Research: Spanish Borderlands, Knowledge, Indigenous History
White, William Bennett
M.A. Student
Advisor: Carol Sheriff
Email: [[wbwhite]]
Current Research: The U.S. South, the American Civil War, American intellectual history
Whitmore, Chesney
M.A. Student
Advisor: Adrienne Petty
Wu, Qiong
Ph.D. Student
advisor: Paul Mapp
email: [[qwu11]]
Current Research: global Early America, history of capitalism, the early US-China Ocean Commerce
Xu, Xinyi
M.A. Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Email: [[xxu12]]
Current Research: History of Emotion, Modern Britain
Young, Peighton
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Hannah Rosen