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Thalia Chrysanthis

Ph.D. Student (ABD)

Advisor: Hannah Rosen
Email: [[tchrysanthis]]
Current Research: United States, Legal History, Women and Gender

Thalia Chrysanthis is a fourth year PhD candidate at W&M. She previously completed her M.A. in History at the College of William and Mary in 2021. She received her B.A. with Highest Honors in 2018 from the University of Michigan, majoring in History with a minor in Creative Writing. She earned the Stephen J. Tonsor History of Ideas Award for her undergraduate thesis on the Ninth Amendment in the Supreme Court’s birth control cases of the 1960s and ‘70s. As an M.A., she served as an apprentice in the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture for 2020-21, and continued as Historical Editing Fellow in the summer of 2021. She served as a TA for Global History in the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022, and in Spring 2023 served as a TA for the history of Witch Hunting in Early Modern Europe. Her current interests include U.S. legal history, histories of women and gender(s), and how these intersect at moments of social and cultural change throughout U.S. history.

Currently, Thalia is working on her dissertation that examines women and other female-assigned soldiers of the U.S. Civil War era armies, expanding on the research done for her MA portfolio. In Fall 2023, she is teaching History 121: American History to 1877.