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Timothy Case

Ph.D. Student (ABD)

Advisor: Dr. Melvin Ely
Email: [[tacase]]
Current Research: Civil War/Emancipation Memory, African American History, Spatial History

Tim received his B.A. in Cultural Studies at the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University. He holds an M.A. in History from San Jose State University and an M.A. in Educational Leadership from Santa Clara University. His research interests include Civil War memory and the memory of emancipation with a specific focus on the intersection of faith, race, and space in the post-war South. He is particularly interested in late nineteenth and early twentieth century African American commemorative traditions and the role of cemeteries as landscapes of memory and sites of contestation and politics. His most recent work explores twentieth century Emancipation Day celebrations and the evolution of emancipation memory in Southeastern Virginia as well as the development of Jim Crow Era Black cemeteries as alternative spaces and counter-memories to segregation. Before returning to school in the Fall of 2020, he was a high school history teacher and administrator for more than fifteen years.