Project Authorization
- HECO-PRF - (xlsm) - Drop Down Box for PRF, HECO-2, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 14. Rev.07-20
- MR - (xlsm) - Maintenance Reserve Rev.09-2019
- HECO-17 (xls)- Application for Building Permit Rev. 07-20
- HECO-17aTMP (xls)-Application for Building Permit and Annual Rev. 8-19
- HECO-17.1A (xls)-Application for Demolition Permit Rev. 07-20
- FPDC Permit (xls)-Project Permit Form Rev. 08-19
- Annual Project Permit (xls) - Rev. 07-20
- D&F (xls)-Determination and Finding for Code, Design, Procurement and Erosion & Sediment Control Issues Rev. 07-20
Design Contract Management
- W&M - HECO - 3a (pdf) Terms and Conditions of the AE Contract
- A/E Selection Less than 50K (xls)-HECO-2-1a Rev. 10-14
- AE1-AE6 (xls) - DGS-30-004
- CO-2.3 (xls) - DGS-30-012
- A/E Invoice Format (xls) - DGS-30-216
- A/E Change Order (xls) - HECO-11AE Rev. 09-20
- A/E Change Order - Term Contracts (xls) - HECO-11.1ae
Construction Contract Management
- DGS-30-244 (doc) - Buy Virginia Graphic
- W&M TOC (doc) - Table of Contents for Specifications Rev. 08-19
- DGS-30-256 (doc) - Notice of IFB for Project Manual & Posting Rev. 10-19
- DGS-30-272 (doc) - Pre-Bid Question Form Rev. 08-19
- DGS-30-220 (doc) - Bid Form Rev. 04-15
- HECO-7A (pdf) - Instruction to Bidders
- HECO-9 (pdf) - Construction Contract Rev. 8-14
- CO-9DB (doc) - Design Build Contract
- HECO-9CM(1) (pdf) - Pre-Construction Phase
- HECO-9CM(2) (pdf) - Construction Phase
- CO-9CM ER (doc) - Early Work Package
- CO-9a (doc) - Workers Compensation Certificate of Insurance (DGS-30-076) Rev. 5-02
- CO-9b (doc) - Post Bid Modification (DGS-30-080) Rev. 6-07
- HECO-9.1 (doc) - Notice of Intent to Award (DGS-30-067) Rev. 08-19
- HECO-9.1a (doc) - Notice of Award (DGS-30-068) Rev. 01-20
- CO-9.2 (doc) - Notice to Proceed (DGS-30-072) Rev. 10-18
- CO-10 (doc) - Standard Performance Bond (DGS-30-084) Rev. 09-07
- CO-10.1 (doc) - Standard Labor & Payment Bond (DGS-30-088) Rev. 09-11
- CO-10.2 (doc) - Standard Bid Bond (DGS-30-090) Rev. 12-07
- HECO-11 & 11a (xls) - Contractor Change Order & Justification Rev. 08-19
- HECO-11 CM (xls) - CM Change Order Rev.08-19
- Change Order NTP/NTE (pdf) - Notice to Proceed/Not to Exceed Change Request
- GC-1 (xls) - Change Order Estimate (General Contractors) (DGS-30-200)
- SC-1 (xls) - Change Order Estimate (Subcontractors) (DGS-30-204)
- SS-1 (xls) - Change Order Estimate (Sub-subcontractors) (DGS-30-208)
- CO-12 (xls) - Schedule of Values and Certificate for Payment (DGS-30-104) Rev. 01-16
- DGS-30-364 (xls) - Submittal Register
- CO-16 - Contractor's Statement of Qualifications (DGS-30-168) Rev. 4-15
- CO-16 Attach1 - Attachment 1, Qualification Criteria (DGS-30-172) Rev. 04-15
- CO-16 Attach2 - Attachment 2, Self-Bonding Program (DGS-30-174) Rev. 04-15
- DCM Appendix L - Special Conditions (pdf) Rev. 03-19
General Conditions
- HECO-7 (pdf)- General Conditions of the Construction Contract (DGS-30-054)
- HECO-7 Addendum 1 (doc) - General Conditions of the Construction Contract Rev. 11-07
- CO-7DB (pdf)- General Conditions-Design Build Construction (DGS-30-056)
- HECO-7DB (doc) Addendum 1-General Conditions for Design Build Rev. 11-07
- HECO-7CM (pdf) - General Conditions of Construction Management
HECO-7CM (doc) Addendum 1 - General Conditions of Construction Management Contract Rev. 03-09
Supplemental General Conditions
- HECO-7-SupSWaM (doc) - Supplemental General Conditions - SWaM Rev. 11-07
- HECO-7-Sup-Haz (doc) - Suppl. General Conditions-Hazardous Waste & Disposal Rev. 1-1-07
- HECO-7-Sup-Ins (doc) - Suppl. General Conditions-Builder's Risk Insurance-renovation projects only Rev. 11-07
- HECO-7-Sup-Ins-LD (doc) - Supplemental General Conditions - Liquidated Damages Rev. 11-07
Structural and Special Inspections
- HECO-6a and 6b (xls) - Statement of Structural and Special Inspection Form Rev. 7-22
- DGS-30-048 & 052 (xls) - 2012 statement of VUSBC Special Inspections
- DGS-30-048 & 052 (xls)- 2009 statememt of VUSBC Special Inspections
Close Out Documents
- HECO-13 (doc) - Affidavit of payment -Required for final Contractor payment Rev. 2-01
- HECO-13.1 (doc) - Certificate of Completion by A/E Rev. 4-13
- HECO-13.1a (doc) - Certificate of Substantial Completion by A/E Rev. 4-13
- HECO-13.1b (doc) - Final Report of Structural and Special Inspections Rev. 8-14
- HECO-13.1c (doc) - Partial/Substantial Completion Rev. 7-09
- HECO-13.2 (doc) - Certificate of Completion-required for final payment Rev. 7-09
- HECO-13.2a (doc) - Certification of Partial or Substantial Completion Rev. 7-09
- HECO-13.3 (xls) -Application for Certificate of Use and Occupancy Rev. 9.17
- HECO-13.3b (doc) - Checklist for Occupancy (Beneficial) (Set-up) (Partial) Rev. 7-13
- HECO-13.3c (xls) - Acknowledgement of Substantial and Final Completion Rev. 8-20
- Certificate of Occupancy Requirements (xlsx)
- HECO-2.1a Form (services less than $25,000) (pdf)
- Parking Permit Request Form (pdf)
- SWaM Reports Template (xlsm) Rev. 4-22
- SWaM Proposed Plan (xlsm) Rev. 7-22
- Policy on SWaM Vendor Participation (pdf) FY20
- With Building Permit Project Close Out Checklist (xls) Rev. 12-08
- No Building Permit Project Close Out Checklist (xls)Rev. 8-08
- Directive for Resolution of Contractual Claims (pdf)
- CRT Submittal Transmittal Form (xls) Rev. 6-07
- eVA Registration (known quantity) (doc) - DGS-30-384
- eVA Registration (unknown quanity) (doc) - DGS-30-385
- Fire Protection Impairment Form (doc)
- Utility Outage/System Testing Notification Worksheet (pdf)
- Contractor's Claim Certification Form (doc) DGS-30-234 Rev. 10-10