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On-Campus/Final Interviews

Purpose & Norms

On-Campus/Final Interviews allow the Schools/Arts & Science to better understand applicant qualifications and capabilities, and for applicants to better understand the organization and position. Typically, full-time position interviews last a day or longer and occur in person. Postdoc and adjunct interviews are commonly shorter in length and may or may not occur in-person.


Search Liaisons are responsible for orchestrating logistical details. Search Chairs and or Department Chairs traditionally inform the itinerary, help facilitate interview introductions, and oversee the distribution and collection of post-interview feedback forms. Search Stakeholders are individuals who may provide subject matter expertise and or may participate in On-Campus/Short List interviews but who are not part of the search committee. Search Stakeholders, such as department faculty, may provide individual, digitized feedback for Hiring Authority consideration. However, Search Stakeholders may not “vote” on candidates nor directly influence evaluation.

Each Search Stakeholder must be appropriately prepared and avoid non-permissible topics, including during meals or in passing. Interview stakeholders function as organizational ambassadors and must remain welcoming and professional throughout the visit.

Search Liaisons and Search Chairs should consult the resources above and the following additional resources when preparing for On-Campus/Finalist Interviews.

  • Sample Itinerary
  • On-Campus Interview Guide
  • National and regional searches should include a campus tour and an optional relocation tour with the designated relocation partner, Long & Foster. Referrals to personal realtors are not acceptable. To request a tour, email with details and as much notice as possible.
  • Please follow separate Procurement-related guidance for interview-related purchases.
Potential Student Participation

Schools/Arts & Sciences will be responsible to ensure that students providing evaluations of candidates are appropriately prepared participate.