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There are many unique page types in Cascade. Learn what they are and how to work with them:

Announcement: Simple pages that can be displayed in a right-column box on other pages.

Borrowed Pages: Put a page in multiple places, but only maintain the original.

Content Page: The majority of site pages are content pages — they are the standard page.

Directory Page: A special layout for individual faculty/staff bios.

Events: Learn about the W&M Events system and how it works with Cascade.

Feature: Similar to news stories, but they tell the bigger story.

Gallery Page: Display a full-width gallery of images.

Gateway Page: An organized way to feature links on a page.

Grid PageA flexible, visual page type offering a grid of linkable cards.

News Story: A pre-formatted page with tools to gracefully display your sets of photos.

Redirect Page: Auto-magically send visitors to another internal or external page.

Slideshow Page: A content page with an animated slideshow at the top of the content.