Publishing & Unpublishing
The Basics
You can create, edit, save and preview assets in Cascade — but you must publish them to make them visible on your live website.
- Publishing sends items to the public web server and makes them live on your website.
- Unpublishing removes items from the public web server so they are no longer available on your website.
Each night a scheduled job publishes a set of our websites to help keep our internal relationships and borrowed page content up to date. All websites are published in this manner once each week.
How to Publish
Cascade users can manually publish their pages, folders and files when they have completed their edits:
- Select the asset. Note: actions applied to a folder, apply to everything within that folder.
- Select Publish (
) at the top of the screen or right-click on the asset and choose Publish.
- Select Publish to confirm.
Your publish job then goes into the queue behind any other publish jobs. Once your job is in the queue, you are free to continue working. Any changes made after submitting to the publish queue will not be published unless you submit for publishing again.
Often you will see your published results within a minute. But, if you're behind someone's large publish job you may need to be patient. To watch your job's progress in the queue, open the hamburger menu ( ) in the top right corner and select Publish Queue.
How to Unpublish
Unpublishing a folder? First hide it from your menus:
- Edit the folder.
- UN-check the 'Display in Menu' setting.
- Publish the parent folder to update the impacted menus on your live site.
Unpublish the asset:
- Select the asset. Note: actions applied to a folder, apply to everything within that folder.
- Select the More menu in the top right corner, or right-click on the asset to open the Shortcut menu, and choose Unpublish.
- Select Unpublish to confirm. The asset no longer exists on your live site, but remains in Cascade for editing and future publishing.
- Continue with the the steps below to prevent your asset from being published by other editors or scheduled publish jobs.
How to Prevent an Asset from Publishing
This can be useful if you do not want a page you're building in Cascade to be on your live website now, but you will want it there in the future.
Note: If an asset is already published, and you want to unpublish it and prevent it from publishing until later, you'll need to unpublish it first, then follow these steps to prevent it from re-publishing.
- Select the asset. Note: actions applied to a folder, apply to everything within that folder.
- Edit.
- For pages and files, select the Configure tab. For folders, select the Properties tab.
- Uncheck the 'Include when publishing' checkbox and Submit.
- When you're ready for the asset to be published, edit it to re-check the 'Include when publishing' checkbox and Submit.
When Preventing a Folder from Publishing
- When you set a folder not to allow publishing, the folder and any assets within it will still UN-publish if you move or rename them.
- If you plan to set a folder not to allow publishing for an extended period of time, do not move or rename it, or the assets within it, until you are ready to allow publishing — publishing the parent folder is necessary any time you move or rename an asset to ensure the impacted menus or listing pages are updated on the live site.
Publishing Tips
- For efficiency, if you are just editing one index page, only publish that index page.
- If you add, edit or delete a directory page, announcement, news story or feature you will also need to publish the listing index page in that folder.
- If you have moved, renamed or added a new page, or made other changes that affect your page menus, you will need to publish the parent folder to ensure the impacted menus are published.
- If you are making several changes that you think will require a publish of your site's root folder, make all of your changes and do this large publish once when you are done. This will help avoid unnecessary publish jobs from slowing down the publish queue for other editors.
Common Publishing Issues
I published my page, but my edits are not showing up on my live site.
- Check the Publish Queue to see if your job finished publishing.
- Wait one full minute to be sure the web server is serving up the latest published files.
- Hold the shift key while clicking your browser's refresh/reload button to clear your browser cache of the page or file.
- If you still do not see the changes, go back to the page in Cascade and see if your edits were only saved as a draft. If so, you need to submit the draft and then publish.
I published my page, but my listbox/widget is not showing up on the website.
Listboxes, widgets and photosets are separate pages as far as Cascade is concerned. You must publish the listbox/widget/photoset folder in addition to the actual page or story using it.
I unpublished a folder, but my link is still showing up in the page menu as a broken link.
Unpublishing a folder does not affect the page menu settings. To remove a link from the page menu you need to edit the folder and uncheck 'Display in Menu?'. Then publish the parent folder to update the impacted page menus.