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Are you new to working with Announcements?
Create an announcement
  1. Select your announcements folder.
  2. From the top menu, select Add Content >> Announcement.
  3. Complete the applicable fields: Title, Summary, URL, Location, Contact Info, Full Description 
    • Do not copy and paste directly from another source (Word, email, webpage). First copy from the source, then in Cascade click Edit >> Paste as Text button before you paste. You can also clean up your text by first pasting it into a text editor such as Textpad or Notepad.
  4. (optional) Prepare and upload a Social Media Thumbnail image.
  5. (optionalAdd extra items to the right column of your announcement page.
  6. Click Preview Draft to review.
  7. Click Submit >> Check Content & Submit.
  8. Publish your announcements folder. If you have an announcements listbox, publish any index pages on which you've included the Listbox.
Reorder your announcements

You can control the order your announcements are listed on your listing page and Listbox. 

  1. Change the folder order of your announcements.
  2. Publish your announcement folder. If you have an announcement Listbox, publish any index pages on which you've included the Listbox.
Display your announcements in the right column of any page

Your announcements can be accessed in multiple ways - set your announcements folder to display in your menus, add a content link to your announcement listing page, or build a listbox to display your announcements on any other page, typically your homepage (most frequently used option).

Delete an announcement

If you're done with an announcement page you can either delete it, or hide it for future use (see below for how to hide and reuse). To delete:

  1. Navigate to and select the announcement page.
  2. Delete the file (click the More link and then Delete, or right-click the announcement page in your Navigation Tree to select Delete).
  3. Click Delete to confirm then publish your announcements folder. If you have an announcement Listbox, publish any index pages on which you've included the Listbox.
Hide your announcement (and re-use it later)

When you have announcements that you will reuse periodically, and you don't want to delete and rebuild them every time:

  1. Select the announcement you want to hide and UN-publish it (click the More link and then Unpublish, or right-click the announcement page in your Navigation Tree to select Unpublish).
  2. Edit the announcement and select the Configure tab.
  3. UN-check the "Include when publishing" and "Include when indexing" boxes and Save & Preview.
  4. Click Submit >> Check Content & Submit.
  5. Publish your announcements folder. If you have an announcement Listbox, publish any index pages on which you've included the Listbox.
Reactivate hidden announcement
  1. Select the announcement.
  2. Edit the announcement and then click the Configure tab.
  3. Check the "Include when publishing" and "Include when indexing" boxes and Save & Preview.
  4. Click Submit >> Check Content & Submit.
  5. Publish your announcements folder. If you have an announcement Listbox, publish any index pages on which you've included the Listbox.