Registration FAQs
Below are answers to common PATH registration questions. Many answers include links to pages that have more detailed information and instructions available.
PATH Registration FAQs Quick Navigation
- General PATH Navigation & Searching for Courses
- Building a Primary & Alternatives Cart
- Setting Course Registration Priorities & Options
- Registration Overrides
- Registration Holds, Errors, & Notes
- PATH Registration Processing & Registration Order
- Viewing Your Course Schedule
- Adding and Dropping Courses ("real-time" registration)
- Course Registration Waitlisting
Other general registration-related FAQs are available at the bottom of this page.
General PATH Navigation & Searching for Courses
How do I search for courses in PATH?
Related pages for more detail: Class Search & Registration Restrictions |
Where do I find information for a specific course like a course description, how many seats are available, registration restrictions, when the course meets, etc.?
The Course Details panel for a specific CRN (course reference number) includes credit hours, enrollment (total enrollment and seats available), waitlist size and availability (if applicable), any special approval required (if applicable), and other information like a course description, meeting days and times, and registration restrictions. If there are required co-requisite sections, a co-requisites widget will display. Additionally, scroll to the bottom of the course details panel and a list of any other sections of the course will appear. Related pages for more detail: Class Search & Registration Restrictions |
How do I know if a course is closed (full)?
Courses with zero seats available are closed (full). Space is currently not available in the course. Note that if a course has a waitlist and PATH indicates there is a seat available, that seat will be held for the waitlist process. You may join the waitlist if there is space available on the waitlist. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting, Class Search & Registration Restrictions |
Building a Primary Cart & Alternatives Cart
What is a Primary Cart? During the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, you will add courses to the Primary Cart and set registration priorities or alternative course options to those courses. Students can build and edit their Primary Cart at any time throughout the cart-building phase because this registration phase is untimed. During the add/drop period, the Primary Cart is where students can view their schedule and add or drop courses in real-time. Graduate student registration is always in real-time, via the Primary Cart. Related pages for more detail: Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, When to Register |
What is an Alternatives Cart?
The Alternatives Cart is a place to store alternative course options. During the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, courses that are added to the Alternatives Cart appear in the alternatives drop-down menu when setting Registration Options for courses in the Primary Cart. For courses with multiple sections, students may also select "any other section" as an alternate course. This option appears in the alternatives drop-down menu. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure |
I logged into PATH but can't find my Primary Cart / Alternative Cart?
Primary Cart If you create your own cart and call it "Primary," note that it will not replace the true Primary Cart. Make sure to remember to move courses into the true Primary Cart, set registration priorities, and add alternative courses when the cart-building phase for fall or spring registration opens. Alternatives Cart Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, When to Register |
When and why do I need to build a Primary Cart?
Registration dates and timelines are posted on the University Registrar's website and on the Academic Calendar. After the cart-building phase has closed, registration is processed by PATH. PATH uses the Primary Cart (and the priorities or alternatives set for those courses) to determine which courses to attempt to register a student for. Students who do not put courses in their Primary Cart and clear all registration holds before carts close will not be included in this phase of registration. They will not receive an initial course schedule. Students who miss the cart-building phase will be eligible to add/drop courses in real time when the initial add/drop period opens. Administrative staff (or your advisor) cannot create a cart or set priorities for you.
Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, When to Register |
How many courses may I put in my Primary Cart?
Maximum credit hour registration restrictions will still be in place when PATH processes registration (after the cart-building phase has closed), but you should put more than the allowable maximum hours in your Primary Cart when planning registration. PATH is designed to evaluate selections each round until a successful registration is made for a student, or until all of their course selections have been exhausted. Based on course demand, restrictions, and tiered enrollment maximums, PATH may need to evaluate more than one course per round. Remember, each course in the Primary Cart may have up to two alternative selections; for courses with multiple sections, students may also select "any other section" as an alternate course. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure |
My Primary Cart is displaying a "Maximum Hours Exceeded" message. What does that mean?
During the cart-building phase of fall and spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, the maximum hours for Primary Carts is set higher than the maximum allowable credits for registration. After the cart-building phase of registration ends, maximum credit hour limits are returned to the standard number to ensure PATH does not register a student for more credits than allowable. Do not be alarmed if your cart displays a max hours message during this time. Generally, continuing undergraduate students may register for up to 16 credit hours during the initial registration period and the add/drop periods. When the final add/drop period opens at the start of the fall or spring semester, most undergraduate students may register up to 18 credit hours. Please note that some exceptions apply to the outlined maximum credit limits above. |
How do I save my carts?
During the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, your Primary Cart is saved each time you add a course to it and select the "Save Changes" button on the Registration Options panel, or when you select to remove a course from the cart. (The same applies to courses in your Alternatives Cart or a cart of your own creation.) There is no button to submit your cart during the cart-building phase. Just make sure your Primary Cart has courses in it and you have no registration holds by the time carts close. During the add/drop period when course registration is in real time, a submit schedule and a submit registration button will appear when attempting changes in the Primary Cart. To attempt registration during this time, you will need to select these buttons. Related pages for more detail: Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, When to Register |
Why would I create my own cart?
Note that if you create your own cart and name it 'primary,' it will not replace the true Primary Cart. When Primary Carts open for degree-seeking undergraduate students, you will still need to move courses from the cart you named 'primary' to your true Primary Cart to take part in the registration process. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, When to Register |
What do all the icons in my cart mean?
I missed the cart-building phase and did not build a Primary Cart. Can the University Registrar's Office / my advisor do so on my behalf?
Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, When to Register |
Setting Course Registration Priorities & Options
Note that many of the FAQs in this section apply to degree-seeking undergraduate students only
What is the Registration Options panel?
During the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, the Registration Options panel appears when adding a course to your Primary Cart. This is where you can set registration priorities or alternative course options. Students may also use the Credit Hrs drop-down menu to set credits for variable credit courses. (PATH defaults to the lowest number of credit hours for variable credit courses.) Students can edit the registration options for courses in their Primary Cart by selecting the "Edit Registration Options" button on the Course Details panel at any time throughout the cart-building phase until carts close. During the add/drop period, the Registration Options panel is where students may adjust credit hours for variable credit courses, add themselves to a course registration waitlist (if one is available), and set up a conditional add/drop (only drop course A if registration into course B is successful). Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Course Registration Waitlisting, When to Register |
What are Registration Priorities on courses?
After the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration has closed for degree-seeking undergraduate students, registration is processed by PATH. PATH uses the Primary Cart and the priorities or alternatives set for those courses to determine which courses to attempt to register a student for and the order in which it will process their registration. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure |
What is the Auto Registration Priority and how does it work?
The auto registration priority automatically assigns a registration priority to a course based on demand. The more popular a course, the higher the priority PATH will assign to it. PATH will respect that you may have hard-coded a course selection as first, fourth, or sixth, and will place any auto priority course into that framework. You can use all numbers, all auto, or a hybrid approach. PATH also utilizes the auto function as a "tie-breaker" for any courses you assign the same priority number. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure |
What is the purpose of setting alternative courses for a Primary Cart course in the Registration Options panel?
After the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration has closed for degree-seeking undergraduate students, registration is processed by PATH. PATH uses the Primary Cart and the priorities and alternatives set for those courses to determine which courses to attempt to register a student for and the order in which it will process their registration. Students can specify certain sections as alternatives using the drop-down menus. For courses with multiple sections, students may also select "any other section" as an alternate course. This option appears in the alternatives drop-down menu. Example: Five sections of a course are being offered. Two sections meet at your preferred time, but there is one instructor you prefer over the other.
Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure |
How do I update the credits for my variable credit course?
When adding a variable credit course to your Primary Cart, the Registration Options panel includes a drop-down menu for credit hours. Set your desired credit hours with that menu. PATH will default to the lowest number of credits if you make no changes. Remember that during the initial registration period, students may only be registered for up to 16 credit hours. You may find that registering for the lowest amount of credits initially is beneficial. You can make changes to the credit hours for a variable credit course anytime registration is open up through the end of the final add/drop period at the start of the semester. Related pages for more detail: Variable Credit and Auditing |
I want courses that have co-requisites (like a lecture and a lab). How do I prioritize those?
Example: A student adds BIOL 203, 203L, and 203D to their primary cart. The student assigns First (Highest) registration priority to 203L, and lower priorities to 203 and 203D. When PATH is processing registration, all three sections will be attempted at the priority set for the BIOL 203L section because it has the highest priority assigned. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities |
I want to use a course that has a co-requisite as an alternative course in my Primary Cart. How do I add and prioritize in this situation?
Example - Using Primary & Alternatives Cart: A student adds GOVT 201 to their Primary Cart and adds AMST 200 & 200D (lecture and discussion co-requisite group) to their Alternatives Cart. In the Registration Options panel for GOVT 201, the student adds AMST 200D discussion section as the alternative course. Then, they review their Alternatives Cart to ensure AMST 200 lecture is saved in that cart. Example - Using the Primary Cart Only: The student adds GOVT 201 to their Primary Cart, chooses to set it as their third registration priority, and sets no alternative courses. Then, the student adds AMST 200D to their Primary Cart and chooses to set the course as their fourth registration priority. Finally, the student adds AMST 200 to their Primary Cart and chooses to set the course as their ninth registration priority (because PATH will evaluate the whole AMST co-requisite group at the highest priority set for any section of the course; in this case, that is fourth for AMST 200D). Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities |
Registration Overrides
Are instructor overrides available?
An instructor override allows the primary instructor on a course to waive some course restrictions for a particular student. For example, overriding a pre-requisite that has not been met or major restrictions that are on a course. An instructor override DOES NOT override course capacity. If a course is full, an instructor override will not allow a student to register for the course. Some instructors add instructor permission as a restriction to their courses in order to control who may register. These courses display with "Special Approval: Instructor Approval" at the top of the Course Details panel in PATH. Examples include research courses where students are specifically selected by a faculty member to join their lab or independent study classes in which an individual student or small group works with a faculty member. Related pages for more detail: Registration Overrides for Students, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms |
Are co-requisite or linked course overrides available?
Related pages for more detail: Registration Overrides for Students, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms |
Are max capacity overrides available?
If a course is full, do not email the instructor to ask for a max capacity override; they cannot award one. Beginning with the initial add/drop period, many undergraduate Arts & Sciences and Business courses will have a registration waitlist. More information is available in the waitlist section of these FAQs and on the University Registrar's website. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting, Registration Overrides for Students |
Registration Holds, Errors, & Notes
What is a registration hold?
Related pages for more detail: Holds |
How do I know if I have a registration hold?
Related pages for more detail: Banner Student Profile, Holds |
How do I know what a registration hold means?
What does "Internal reg hold" mean? Related pages for more detail: Banner Student Profile, Holds |
How do registration holds affect me in PATH?
Registration holds are listed at the top of your cart in PATH. Carefully review your cart to ensure you do not have a hold. If you do, resolve the hold before carts close!
During the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, PATH will allow students to build a cart even if they have a registration hold. However, after carts close and PATH is processing registration, students with active registration holds will not be included in the registration process and will not be provided with a schedule. During the add/drop period, students with active registration holds will not be able to take any registration actions like adding or dropping a course, adding themselves to the waitlist, etc., until their registration hold has been resolved. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Holds |
How do registration errors display in PATH?
If you add a course to your cart and a yellow or black triangle warning appears, potential issues include: adding a closed course, a time conflict detected, a pre-requisite or co-requisite error, missing instructor approval, etc. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms, Registration Errors & Notes, Registration Overrides for Students |
What happens if I have a registration error in my Primary Cart in PATH?
Students may add any course to their cart; PATH does not restrict what a student puts in their cart or attempts to register for. However, PATH will display registration warnings to notify students of potential issues like missing instructor approval, not meeting a pre-requisite, or time conflicts that have been detected. Carefully review any registration warnings that display when you add a course to your cart. If you believe the error is incorrect, follow up with the appropriate office or staff member on campus to resolve the issue before carts close. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms, Registration Errors & Notes, Registration Overrides for Students |
How are time conflicts in my Primary Cart handled?
When PATH detects a time conflict, a yellow or black triangle warning icon will display and include language indicating the time conflict. During the cart-building phase of fall or spring registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students, you may intentionally choose to put courses with time conflicts in your Primary Cart. When PATH is processing registration it will not register you into a time conflict. Example: MUSC 150 and ENGL 150 meet at the same time. Both courses are in your Primary Cart.
Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms |
What does "You have taken this course" in the Registration Notes section mean?
If a course is repeatable, you may register for it again if you wish. If the course is not repeatable, the registration error "Repeat Count Exceeds 0" will appear in your Primary Cart. Related pages for more detail: PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms, Registration Errors & Notes |
Registration Processing & Registration Order
Note that the FAQs in this section apply to degree-seeking undergraduate students only
In what order does PATH register students? Do upperclassmen go before underclassmen?
Previously at W&M, each group registered in real-time on a different day. In PATH all degree-seeking undergraduate students build their Primary Carts and set registration priorities and alternatives at the same time. However, when registration is processed, it is done in group order. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, "Social Class" at W&M |
How does PATH process registration?
Familiar with fantasy sport drafts like fantasy football? PATH's rounded registration by group operates in a similar way! PATH's goal is to provide successful registration in one course (or one co-requisite group of courses like a lecture and a lab) per student, per round. PATH will process one group in its entirety (example, multiple rounds of registration for social seniors) before moving on to the next group (social juniors) and starting again. Within groups/social classes, PATH will assign each student in the group a random number. Registration is processed in a snake pattern; the order reverses direction each round. The first students in the group to have registration processed in 'round one' will be the last students in the group to have registration processed in 'round two.' The rounds of registration continue until every student in the group has had all of the courses in their Primary Cart (and associated alternatives) evaluated. Remember that you can build a cart even though you have a registration hold. However, students with active registration holds will not have their carts processed by PATH. Resolve all registration holds before carts close. Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, "Social Class" at W&M |
Do students who build their Primary Cart earlier in the process get priority over those students who build their Primary Carts later in the process?
For the initial fall and spring registration periods for degree-seeking undergraduate students, building your Primary Cart is an untimed event. Log in at any time during the cart-building phase to put courses in your Primary Cart, set registration priorities, and add alternatives. However, a few things to keep in mind:
Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, When to Register |
How do I find out in what order I was processed?
Do departments still use tiered enrollment?
During the initial fall and spring registration period for degree-seeking undergraduate students, some departments choose to enforce enrollment maximums in certain courses for each registration group. A spreadsheet outlining tiered courses and the maximums for each group is posted to the University Registrar's website and is updated whenever changes are made. (See the Tiered Enrollment link in the related pages below.) Related pages for more detail: Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Structure, "Social Class" at W&M, Tiered Enrollment |
Viewing Your Schedule
When will my schedule be released?
Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, When to Register |
How do I know what courses I am registered for?
Courses in your Primary Cart that display with a black check mark in the lower left corner, below the subject and number/to the left of the section number are courses you are fully registered into. Use your cursor to hover over the check mark and PATH will display a "You are registered for this section" message. Additionally, if you open the course details panel for the course and review the Registration Notes widget, a black check mark displays with a "You are registered for this section" message. Remember that any courses in your cart that you are not registered for display with the blue cart icon. Related pages for more detail: Banner Student Profile, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms, Viewing Your Schedule |
What does "staging" changes in my cart mean and when can I do it?
Staged changes in your Primary Cart are not automatically submitted. You must log in to PATH when registration opens to submit your Primary Cart and attempt to register for the courses. Note that the Primary Cart may not always be available for a specific term depending on where we are in the registration process. Related pages for more detail: Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, When to Register |
Adding & Dropping Courses ("real-time" registration)
How do I add a course?
When you add a course to your cart, PATH displays a popup in the bottom right corner that indicates the course has been added to the cart. This is not the same as fully registering for the course! Make sure to select the submit schedule and submit registration buttons to attempt to register for the course.
Detailed instructions are available on the Add, Drop, & Withdraw from a Course webpage. Strict add/drop deadlines apply. Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, When to Register |
How do I drop a course?
When you are setting up to drop a course, PATH displays a popup in the bottom right corner that indicates the drop has been added to the cart. Make sure to select the submit schedule and submit registration buttons to fully drop the course.
Detailed instructions are available on the Add/Drop Classes webpage. Strict add/drop deadlines apply. Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, When to Register |
What is a conditional drop and how do I use it?
Please note: conditional add/drop is not available with waitlisting. Students needing to drop a course to add a course they have received a waitlist notification for will need to do so in two separate registration transactions (add first, then drop OR drop first, then add). Undergradaute students that cannot submit due to corequisite, minimum credit hour, or other errors, should contact the University Registrar's Office before the waitlist notification expires. Law School students should contact the Law School Registrar's Office. Detailed instructions are available on the Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course webpage. Strict add/drop deadlines apply. Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, When to Register |
How do I add a course with co-requisites?
Detailed instructions are available on the Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course webpage. Strict add/drop deadlines apply. Related pages for more detail: Academic Calendar, Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, When to Register |
How do I register for an Applied Music Course?
How do I update the credits for my variable credit course?
How do I audit a course?
Graduate students should contact their Graduate Registrar's Office. Non-degree-seeking students and senior citizens should review the Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Students webpage. Related pages for more detail: Variable Credit and Auditing |
How do I select pass/fail?
Social class juniors and seniors may elect to take up to four courses total in Arts & Sciences and Education as pass/fail. The full policy with eligibility requirements, limitations, and the process for a social junior or senior to elect pass/fail is available on the Pass/Fail page. Related pages for more detail: Pass/Fail for Undergraduate Students, "Social Class" at W&M |
Can an instructor register me for a class?
Related pages for more detail: Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course, Carts & Registration Priorities, Registration Overrides for Students, When to Register |
Course Registration Waitlisting
Note that the FAQs in this section apply to undergraduate and Law School students only
Will I be automatically added to a course waitlist?
Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
Is there a limit to how many courses I can waitlist?
Undergraduate students: Related pages for more detail (undergraduates): Course Registration Waitlisting, PATH Icon Legend & Glossary of Terms Law School Students: |
Do the same course restrictions exist for courses I am waitlisting?
Even though some course restrictions are not enforced when you add yourself to a waitlist, all course restrictions will be enforced when you attempt to fully register for the course if you are offered a space from the waitlist. It's important to take action when you receive a waitlist notification so you can resolve any registration issues within the waitlist notification window. Any registration holds on your account will prevent you from registering for a course or an open space that is offered to you from the waitlist. Make sure to clear any holds immediately. Waitlist notification windows cannot be extended. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting, When to Register |
How do I add myself to a waitlist for a course?
Undergraduate Students: Related pages for more detail (undergraduates): Course Registration Waitlisting, When to Register Law School Students: |
Can I add myself to a waitlist if a course is not full yet?No. If a course has not reached capacity, you will not be able to waitlist the course. |
I can't add myself to a waitlist. Why?There could be several reasons:
How do I know my waitlist position?
Your waitlist position is available in PATH. In the "Registration Notes" section of the course details for a waitlisted CRN, a message indicating "You are on the waitlist for this section in position: #" will display. Additionally, using your cursor to hover over the hourglass symbol in your primary cart will display the same message. Your waitlist position will update as students ahead of you move through the waitlist process. Detailed instructions are available on the Course Registration Waitlisting webpage. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
How do I know if I have been offered a space in the course from the waitlist?
When you are offered a space in the course from the waitlist, you will receive an email at your W&M email account. The email outlines how long the space is reserved for you. You must fully register in the course before the notification window closes. Waitlist notification windows cannot be extended. Detailed instructions are available on the Course Registration Waitlisting webpage. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
When and how often do waitlist notification emails get sent?
How do I register off the waitlist if I've been offered space in the course?
Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
Can I use conditional add/drop with waitlisting?
Conditional add/drop may not be used with waitlisting. PATH will initially allow you to stage a conditional add/drop with a waitlisted course, however, upon submission of the cart, the conditional drop will be removed and no drop will be processed. Students needing to drop a course to add a course they have received a waitlist notification for will need to do so in two separate registration transactions (add first, then drop OR drop first, then add). Undergraduate students needing assistance due to corequisite, minimum credit hours, or other errors, please contact the University Registrar's Office before the waitlist notification expires. Law students should contact the Law School Registrar's Office. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting, Add, Drop, or Withdraw From a Course |
I missed the email notification and my window expired. Can I get back to the top of the waitlist?
Waitlist notification windows cannot be extended, and students who do not register for the course within the notification window cannot be readded to the top of the waitlist. You must check your W&M email address at least once daily, especially if you have added yourself to a waitlist. If the waitlist is still available, you can add yourself back through PATH, but you will be at the end of the waitlist. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
How do I remove myself from a course waitlist?
If you want to get back on the waitlist after dropping from it, you may do so if the waitlist is still active and space is still available. However, remember that you will be placed at the end of the waitlist. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
Am I guaranteed a space in the class if I am on the waitlist?
Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
How is the waitlist prioritized for undergraduate students? Do upperclassmen or majors get priority?
Waitlists open on the first day of the first add/drop period. Because registration opens by social class and major restrictions are still being enforced, upperclassmen majors may access waitlists first, then access opens to juniors, then sophomores, etc. If a department has chosen to have major restrictions on a course, only majors would be eligible to waitlist the course until major restrictions are no longer being enforced. Departments may not have major restrictions on all courses. However, there is no automatic priority or reordering of waitlists. Once waitlisting starts, waitlists are first-come, first-served. Students seeking to waitlist courses should participate in add/drop when their registration window opens. Note that course restrictions still apply; students must meet pre-requisites, co-requisites, etc., to successfully register for a course from the waitlist if they are offered a space in the course. Related pages for more detail: Course Registration Waitlisting |
General Registration-Related FAQs
How do I know when it is time to register for classes?The When to Register page includes the best information about when the registration process for a specific semester will occur. Some dates are also included on the Academic Calendar. Graduate students may also confer with their Graduate Registrar Office for details. |
How do I view my Unofficial Academic Transcript on the web?Log into Banner Self-Service, select the Student tab, select the link for Student Records, then open your Student Profile. Use the menu link on the left side underneath your photo to access your W&M Unofficial Academic Transcript. Use the drop-down menus to select the level and type of transcript (Web Self-Service). Your unofficial transcript will display in your web browser. |
Is there specific information for senior citizens and employees interested in taking classes?
Students who are 60 or older and legal residents of Virginia may qualify for a tuition waiver to audit a class regardless of income. Space availability of a class will be determined after tuition-paying students have been accommodated. Employees Please note that Employees may register for undergraduate courses, as well as graduate courses in Arts and Sciences, Marine Science, and Education. Some courses require permission from the instructor, and many graduate courses require admission to a degree program. Consult the course listings and/or graduate program director(s) for details. |
I don't have access to the "Student" tab in Banner Self-Service!It is possible that you are not set up with the Student Role in Banner. Please contact the University Registrar's Office. |
How do I clear my cache and cookies?W&M IT has instructions for clearing cache and cookies. You may also contact the IT help desk at (757) 221-HELP for assistance. |
How do I find my W&M Username and credentials?Contact the Technology Support Center. |