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Applied Music courses have changed course numbering. All sections of applied music are now 1 credit hour (½ hour of instruction time). If you wish to take a lesson for 2 credits (1 hour of instruction time) you must sign up for TWO sections with the same instructor.

For example, if you have been approved to take the first level of piano for 2 credits, you must sign up for both MUSC K10 01 and MUSC K10 02 (see example below). You will choose two sequential sections for the same instructor.


Example of Piano 1 first half hour and second half hour
CRN Subject Course Title Credits Instructor
10001 MUSC K10 01 Piano 1 – ½ hour lesson 1 Smith-Jones
10002 MUSC K10 02 Piano 1 – 2nd ½ hour lesson 1 Smith-Jones

If you only wish to take one credit hour of applied music, you need only sign up for the ½ hour course at the appropriate skill level.

Please note: you cannot sign up for the 2nd ½ hour lesson unless you have registered for the ½ hour lesson.

Many applied music instructors place the Instructor Permission Required restriction on their courses. If the course requires instructor permission, you must contact the instructor for an override before you can add the course.

All applied music registration should be completed by the end of the add/drop period.

If you have any questions regarding registration for applied music courses via PATH, please contact our office.