Class Search & Registration Restrictions
PATH provides both basic and advanced search functionality. A course search requires the term and at least one more parameter. A "search too broad" message displays if a search does not meet the minimum requirements.
Using a combination of basic and advanced search features may be helpful for students seeking courses and when planning for an upcoming registration cycle.
Course Search
Basic SearchSelect the correct term from the term drop-down menu. Utilize the keyword text entry box to search for things like course subject and/or number, CRN, keyword, and instructor. You can add an asterisk * to the end of your text entry to act as a wildcard for your search. For example, entering "bio*" in the text box would return any BIOL subject courses, any course with "bio" in the title, or any course with "bio" in the course description. You may also use the course status drop-down menu to limit your search results to only open courses. |
Advanced SearchIn addition to the basic search fields, more advanced search criteria includes parameters like course attributes, COLL requirements, course level, campus, and materials/textbook cost. The "exclude times" feature enables students to exclude courses from their search results that meet during days/times that they are unavailable due to family, work, or other obligations. |
Course Details Panel
Selecting a course opens the course details panel. For courses with multiple sections, a more generic course details panel may open initially. To review section details, choose a specific CRN, accessible from the All Sections widget at the bottom of the course details panel.
Select to expand the headings below for additional information about certain areas of the course details panel.
Course Details and EnrollmentThe top of the course details panel lists basic information like the course subject and number, title, section number, and unique course reference number (CRN). Displaying directly below is course information like credit hours, maximum enrollment, seats available, waitlist information (if applicable), the grade mode, and any special approval required (like instructor approval). If a course requires instructor approval to enroll, contact the primary instructor to inquire about an instructor override. |
Course/Section AttributesThis area of the course details panel outlines the attributes attached to this specific course section in the particular term in which it is being offered. An attribute describes a course in some way. For example, COLL attributes like MATH, C200, C350, or ALV (Arts Letters Values) identify if a course meets a COLL curriculum requirement or proficiency. Note that attributes on courses may change from semester to semester. Courses with the attribute "Additional Fee Required (Fee)" mean there is an extra cost for registering for the course. Examples include applied music lessons, art supplies, science lab fees, business course fees, etc. More information is available in the academic catalog. |
Required CorequisitesDepartments may require certain courses be taken simultaneously. These are called corequisite courses. Some courses may have multiple corequisites to enroll, like a lecture, lab, and discussion section or problem set. Sometimes a lecture course does not require enrollment in a lab, but the lab course requires enrollment in the lecture (corequisite requirement only goes one direction). It's important to review corequisite requirements carefully to determine what is required to enroll. Generally, students must have all corequisite parts of a course in their cart when registering to ensure there are no registration errors. Students seeking to register for a course without enrolling in the required corequisite(s) may contact the primary instructor to inquire about a COLINK override. "Students who register for this section must also register for..." |
All SectionsThe all sections area lists any other sections of the course that are being offered. The CRN, section number, days/times, location, and instructor of the alternative sections are included. Select a CRN to open the course details panel for the course. |
Registration Restrictions
Departments use registration restrictions to control enrollment in their courses. Restrictions include things like field of study (major) restrictions, social class restrictions, and requirements for prerequisite courses.
All undergraduate courses have the following restriction: "Enrollment is limited to International Honours, Undergraduate or VCCS/RB Co-Enroll Articulation level students." This restriction limits enrollment in courses to undergraduate students only (not graduate-level students).
Select to expand the headers below for examples and additional information about other common restrictions.
Prerequisite RestrictionsDepartments may require certain courses be completed before allowing enrollment in others. These are called prerequisite courses. Prerequisites are commonly satisfied by taking a course at W&M, pre-matriculation transfer credit, or test scores like AP exams. It's important to review prerequisite courses carefully. Some courses have multiple prerequisites (look for the word "AND.") Some courses have multiple prerequisites listed but only one is required to meet the prerequisite (look for the word "OR.") Both may be included in the prerequisites for a course. A few examples are shown in the images below. Students seeking to register for a course without meeting the required prerequisite may contact the primary instructor to inquire about an instructor override.
Field of Study (Major) RestrictionsDepartments may limit their courses to specific majors, concentrations, or all fields of study within a certain area. Generally, field of study restrictions are enforced through the first day of the first add/drop period. These restrictions remain listed in the registration restrictions area of the course details panel throughout the registration cycle even if they are no longer being enforced. Students seeking to register for a field of study or major restricted course while restrictions are being enforced may contact the primary instructor to inquire about an instructor override. Field of Study: "Enrollment is limited to students with a field of study in..."
Major: "Enrollment is limited to students with a major in..."
Concentration: "Enrollment is limited to students with a concentration in..." |
COLL 100 or COLL 150 AttributeStudents may complete only one C100 and one C150. This restriction prevents students who previously completed or are currently registered for a C100 or C150 from registering for another course with the same attribute. "Students with the COLL 100 attribute may not enroll." |
Class of 20## Attribute (Social Class Restriction)Departments may choose to restrict enrollment to certain social classes. In the example below, students who are members of the class of 2028 may not enroll in the course. "Students with the Class of 2028 attribute may not enroll." |
Registering for Courses
Information and how-to instructions related to course registration is available in the How to Register section. Courses for which you are fully registered appear in your Primary Cart with a black check mark.
Contact the [[w|registrar,University Registrar's Office]].