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William & Mary faculty members are subject to several compliance policies. Compliance & Equity is the hub of information on how faculty should ensure a commitment to a culture of compliance and ethics at William & Mary. Faculty also have responsibilities for conducting ethical research and must comply with protocols when working with human subjects, animal research, biosafety, and the responsible conduct of research. 

Other offices on campus have compliance oversight for specific federal and state regulations and university policy. For example, specific areas covering Immigration and visa compliance, NCAA compliance, and campus partner information are found under Compliance Collaboration.

Media Guidelines

There are guidelines in place that outline how faculty can engage in social media and other forms of personal communication to amplify their work and guide their communication engagement in non-university settings. 

Office of Compliance & Equity

The Office of Compliance & Equity is the unit on campus that oversees compliance issues at the university, and their team provides a host of resources and areas outlined for mandatory compliance for all faculty members. You may also encounter a situation where you must file a compliance concern. Here are common faculty areas of compliance:

Research Compliance

The Office of Sponsored Programs oversees the university research compliance process, and they provide guidance on various university processes and information on training modules to support responsible research. Check with your academic dean/vice-dean for more specific requirements for your area.