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SJPI Call for Applications


The Social Justice Policy Initiative, housed in the Sociology Department, is calling for applications for Research and Community Fellows for Summer and Fall of 2024. Click on each Project to learn more and see below for how to apply.


Get hands-on research experience as a Research Fellow with this research project:

The Haven Project: Gender and Sexuality Justice on Campus

[[dbose, Diya Bose]] (Sociology and GSWS) 

Learn more about this project here

Qualifications: Preference will be given to students who have completed at least two Gender-related courses. The research fellow must complete CITI training for our IRB proposal (an online training that takes approximately 3 hours) by the start of Summer 2024. Time management skills, high levels of cultural sensitivity, and the ability to be flexible and independently meet deadlines are required. $15/hr 2-4 hours per week depending on project needs.


Get hands-on experience with policy-oriented and community-engaged research as a Research Fellow with these projects. Research fellows are paid $15/h for 2-4 hours per week, depending on project needs:

Research Fellow: Eviction Crisis Project

[[chanley, Caroline Hanley]] (Sociology)

Learn more about this project here

Preferred qualifications: Experience with community-based research/advocacy and familiarity with basic web design and/or excel.

Research Fellow: The Local Black Histories Project

[[aquark, Amy Quark]] (Sociology)

Learn more about this project here

Qualifications: Passionate about researching 20th century Black histories in the greater Williamsburg area.

Research Fellow: Walking Sites of Memory: Remembering and Reflecting

[[kejenk, Kay Jenkins]] (Sociology)

Learn more about this project here

Position: 2 hours a week. Tasks for the Fall of 2024 include updating StoryMap sites based on community feedback and discussion. Some knowledge or experience of working with ArcGIS StoryMaps is desired.  

Research Fellow: Assessing the Legal Service Needs of the Immigrant Community in Hampton Roads

[[jbmend, Jennifer Bickham Mendez]] (Sociology)

Learn more about this project here.

Responsibilities: Meetings with Professor every 1-2 weeks, data management and organizing using Dedoose or MAXQDA, Collaborating with research team on coding focus group data
Requirements: Completion of SOCL 354: Qualitative Sociology. Completion of the CITI training modules for AREA II before the start of the Fall semester. Ability to work independently. Working knowledge of coding of qualitative data and understanding of research ethics.

 Research Fellow: Workplace Democracy Project

[[chanley, Caroline Hanley]] (Sociology)

Learn more about this project here

Preferred qualifications: Experience with community-based research/advocacy and familiarity with basic web design and/or excel.

Community Fellows

[[aquark, Amy Quark]] (Sociology)

Get hands-on experience with community-based research, outreach, and advocacy and develop important skills in communication, policy analysis, and more, while learning from local leaders in these community organizations:

The Village Initiative 

Williamsburg-James City County Community Action Agency 

NAACP, York-James City-Williamsburg Chapter

The Let Freedom Ring Foundation

How to Apply

Applications are due by April 25 at 5pm. To apply for Research or Community Fellow positions, combine your resume and a brief cover letter explaining your interest and experience related to the project for which you are applying into ONE PDF file. Name this file using the following format: ProjectName_YourLastName (e.g. WorkplaceDemocracy_Smith). Upload your file to this website:

**You may apply to more than one project for both summer and fall positions. You must have a separate application for each position. If you apply to more than one position, please submit an additional document that rank orders your preferences for the positions (e.g. 1) Workplace Democracy; 2) The Local Black Histories Project) and label that file in this format: YourLastName_Rank (e.g. Smith_Rank). Upload this document using the same website. If you are applying for a Community Fellow position, please submit an additional document that rank orders your preferences for organizations (e.g. 1) NAACP, 2) Community Action Agency, etc.). A candidate can hold both a Research Fellow and Community Fellow position simultaneously.

If you have questions regarding the submission of your application, please contact Prof. Quark ( Questions regarding the positions themselves should be directed to the project PI.