Abdoo, Jayma Ann
Administrative Assistant, Barnard College
MA received: 1992
Thesis Title: The Scourge of "DISCOVERY": A Case of the Genocide of Native Americans in English North America
Albers, Rebecca
M.A. Student
Advisor: Frederick Corney
Current Research: Native American/Indigenous Peoples, Historical Memory, Modern Europe
Albert-Deitch, Maxxe
MA Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Current Research: Archaeological History Ethnohistory Middle East/Levant
Anderson, Thomas Lee
Humanities Teacher, Charlotte County Day School
MA received : 2001
Thesis Title: Indicting Christendom: Roger Williams from the Wilderness
Atwood, Scott Edward
Partner (specializing in Labor and Employment Law), Weathersby, Howard and Kuck, LLC
MA received: 1991
Thesis Title: "An Instrument for Awakening": The Moravian Church and the White River Indian Mission
Baker, Shannon
M. A. Student
advisor: Carol Sheriff
Current Research: Civil War Memory, African American History, Public History
Bell, Madalyn
M.A. Student
Advisor: Advisor
Current Research: History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality; Twentieth Century U.S. History
Bellais, Leslie Anne
Curator of Custom & Textiles, State Historical Society of WI
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: Textile Consumption and Availability: A View from an Eighteenth-Century Merchant's Records
Biancolli, Dani E.
Social Studies Teacher, Washington County, South Hagerstown High
MA received: 2002
Thesis Title: The First Dissenter: Richard B. Russell and the Warren Commission
Bishop, Lisa Mullins
Managing Editor, Early American Homes
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: Acculturation Between the Indian and European Fur Traders in Hudson Bay, 1668-1821
Blanck, Emily Vanessa
Assistant Professor, Rowan University
MA received: 1998
Thesis Title: Reaching for Freedom: Black Resistance and the Roots of a Gendered African-American Culture in Late Eighteenth Century Massachusetts
Bledsoe, Julia Grace
Curator, NE Historic Sites, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources
MA received: 1996
Thesis Title: The Failure of Colonial Government and the American Revolution in South Carolina: A Long View
Blossom, Jay Stanlee Frank
Editor, In Trust
MA received: 1994
Thesis Title: Parties, Visionaries, Innovations: William Augustus Muhlenberg and Phillips Brooks and the Growth of the Episcopal Broad Church Movement
Bourbeau-Allard, Ève
Graduate Student
Advisor: Karin Wulf
Email: ebourbeauallar@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Gender and family history in late eighteenth-century Virginia
Brooks, Grace
M.A. Student
advisor: Hiroshi Kitamura
Email: [[gcbrooks]]
Current Research: International relations of the interwar period, Anglo-American relations, and historical memory
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/grace-brooks-history/
Brophy, Sarah Sutton
Environmental Sustainability Consultant to Museums (self-employed)
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: Economic Survival in Colorado Before and After the Silver Crash of 1893
Brown, Julia Peyton
M.A. Student
Advisor: Carol Sheriff
Current Research: Early Republic, foodways
Bryan, Jennifer Anne
Curator of Manuscripts, Maryland Historical Society
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: The Tyranny of Revolution
Burke, William Paul
Ranger, National Park Service
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: The North Carolina Loyalists: Faulty Linchpin of a Failed Strategy
Butler, Matthew
MA received: 2006
Thesis Title: Keeping Up Appearances British Identity and ‘Prestige’ in South America, 1910-1925
Butterfield, Kevin Charles
PhD candidate, 2004 Harvey Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis (MO)
MA received: 1999
Thesis Title: The Puritan Experiment in Virginia, 1607-1650
Carrington, Colleen
M.A. Student
advisor: Andrew Fisher
Carroll, Celia Mae
Assistant Professor of History and Government, Patrick Henry College
MA received: 1995
Thesis Title: “Life As It Should Be”: Resocialization and the C.C.C.
Christensen, Shannon
Ph.D. Student (ABD)
Advisor: Joshua Piker
Chwojko-Frank, Jill E.
Heritage Farm Curator/Program Coor., Schaumburg Park District
MA received: 1992
Thesis Title: Rivals of the Word: Rumors Between Seventeenth-Century Hurons and Jesuits
Clark, Elizabeth Holmes
Graphic Designer and Owner, Blue Oak Design
Clement, Justin
Ph.D. student in History, University of California, Davis
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: Neither United States Citizens nor British Nationalists: A Post War Loyalist Trade Diaspora
Cohen, Jack
Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations, for Wiliam and Mary's University Development
MA received: 2011
Thesis Title: Transpacific Internments: Constructing “Little America” and Dismantling “Little Tokyo”
Cooke, Ethan
M.A. Student
advisor: Simon Middleton
email: [[eacooke]]
Current research: Atlantic World, Early America, Enlightenment
Cordle, Laura Kerr
Development Coordinator at the Filson Historical Society in Louisville, Kentucky
MA received: 2011
Thesis Title: Bondage on the Border: Slaves and Slaveholders in Tazewell County, Virginia
Cox, Samuel Power
Headmaster, Faith Christian School
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: Slavery and a Low Country South Carolina Merchant-Planter Elite: The Dilemma of Henry Laurens
Craven, Michael John
Social Studies Teacher, Douglas County High School
MA received: 1994
Thesis Title: A Conservative Enigma: Barry Goldwater and the Republican Party, 1953-1974
Crewdson, Robert Lee
Attorney, Phillips, Hinchey and Reid
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: Edwin M. Stanton and the Lincoln Assassination
Cullip, Mark
M.A. Student
Advisor: Paul Mapp
Devine, Michael J.
Hand Surgeon, Charlottesville Hand Surgery
MA received: 1994
Thesis Title: Territorial Madness: Spain, Geopolitics and the American Revolution
Dildy, David Scott
Attorney, self-employed
MA received: 1997
Thesis Title: North Carolina Revolutionaries in Arms: The Battle of King's Mountain
Dooley, Laura Jones
Senior Satellite Editor, Yale University Press
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: The Correspondence of Henry, Lord Brougham, with Henry, Lord Holland 1831-1840
Downing, Charles Michael
Social Studies Teacher, Livingston, NJ Public Schools, Livingston High
MA received: 1995
Thesis Title: Robert Hunter Morris and the Politics of Indian Affairs in Pennsylvania, 1754-1755
Dudeck, Phillip
M.A. Student
Advisor: Paul Mapp
Current Research: 18th and 19th Century Political, Intellectual, and Military History
Ebhardt, William Scott
Doctoral candidate, College of William and Mary
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: Captive Women Among the Iroquois
Egloff, Nancy Dieter
Staff Historian, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: "Six Nations of Ignorant Savages": Benjamin Franklin and the Iroquois League of Nations
Egner, Kate
Curator, Yorktown Victory Center
MA received: 2011
Thesis Title: By Measures Taken of Men:' Clothing the Classes in William Carlin's Alexandria
Epps, Kristen
associate professor of history at Kansas State University and managing editor of Kansas History
MA received: 2005
Thesis Title: Treasonous Patriots The Secret Committee of Six and Violent Abolitionism
Esplin, Amber
Copy Editor, American Society for Microbiology
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: Hannah and Priscilla The Education of Slave Girls and Planters' Daughters in Eighteenth-Century Virginia
Fenton, Connor
M.A. Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
email: cfenton@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Early Modern Britain
Fitzgibbon, Joe
Graduate Student
Advisor: Scott Nelson
Email: jpfitzgibbon@email.wm.edu
Current Research: United States, Migration
Fitzgibbons, Ellen Margaret
Researcher, The North Carolina History Museum
MA received: 1997
Thesis Title: The Need for That Certain Article of Furniture: Women’s Experiences in French Colonial Louisiana
Fleet, Esq., Clifford Bridges
Director, Forecasting, Philip Morris USA
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: General Motors and the Development of New Industrial Models
Flotten, Chesley Homan
Owner, The Knitting Experience Café
MA received: 1998
Thesis Title: In Search of Southern Identity: The Lady, The Farmwife, and the Nonslaveholders of York County, Virginia, 1850-1860
Foard, Madelyn Redd
Social Studies Teacher, Henderson Middle School
MA received: 1997
Thesis Title: “The Best of Wives” Martha Bland Blodgett Corran Nee Daingerfield
Foley, Stephanie Brewer
Museum Assistant Curator, Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum
MA received: 1994
Thesis Title: Perspectives on Nature: A Comparison of the Views of Thomas Jefferson and Henry David Thoreau
Fowler, Kevin
M.A. Student
Advisor: Simon Middleton
Francavilla, Lisa Anne
Managing Editor, Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies
MA received: 2002
Thesis Title: The Wyoming Valley Battle and “Massacre”: Images of a Constructed American History
Gardy, Kaitlyn
Assistant Registrar for Loans and Exhibitions, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
MA received: 2011
Thesis Title: For Their Maintenance and Education: An Analysis of Children Entering Christ's Hospital, London, 1763-1803
Garrott, Jennifer
Associate Producer for Colonial Williamsburg Productions
MA received: 2012
Thesis Title: Founding Fathers on Screen : The Changing Relationship between History and Film
Gavin, Anne Bridges
Senior Internal Auditor, UC Santa Cruz
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: Brandy and the Natives of New France
Gephardt, Dennis Marklin
Analyst, Moody's Investors Service: Global Credit Research
MA received: 1998
Thesis Title: American Newsreels of the 1930s
Gillespie, Susan Wright
Director of Communications, Americans for the Arts
MA received: 1998
Thesis Title: Church, State, and School: The Education of Freedmen in Virginia, 1861-1870
Gilliam, Jan Kirsten
Assistant Curator of Exhibits, Colonial Williamsburg
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: The Making of "Polished Patriots": The Education of Boys in Colonial Virginia
Goings, Shannon
MA Student
Email: segoings@email.wm.edu
Gosnell, Joan
University Archivist, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: Kickoffs and Kickbacks: The 1951 Football Scandal at William and Mary
Graham, Wayne Steven
Emerging Technologies Coordinator, College of William and Mary, Swem Library
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: For Generations: Wills, Inventories, and Wealth in Colonial Virginia
Gregory, Aaron
Current Position: Social Studies Teacher at Norfolk Collegiate School in Norfolk, Va.
Gundersen, Joan Rezner
MA received: 1969
Thesis Title: The Anglican Church in Virginia 1723-1743
Gustafson, Edward J.
Attorney Firm of Sanders-Pianowski LLP
MA received: 2000
Thesis Title: Atoms, Pounds and Poor Relations: The Illusion of an Anglo-American Special Relationship 1941-1946
Hall, Cosby Williams
Sixth Grade History Teacher, Norfolk Academy
MA received: 2003
Thesis Title: John Marshall and Native Rights: The Law of Nation and the Scottish Enlightenment Influence
Hamblet, Robert
Middle School Head at Boston College High School
MA received: 1995
Thesis Title: The Battle Over Pearl Harbor: The Controversy Surrounding the Japanese Attack, 1941-1994
Harris, Scott Hampton
Site Director, New Market Battlefield State Historical Park
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: "The Great Unappreciated Man": A Political Profile of Alexander H. H. Stuart of Virginia
Harris, Zachary
M.A. Student
Advisor: Frederick Corney
Hayes, Bradley Allen
Director of Development, Old Fort Niagara Association, Inc.
MA received: 1998
Thesis Title: From Wilderness to Wonderland: Anglo-American Views of Ohio Country Landscapes
Heffner, Andrew Hunter
UNC-Chapel Hill
MA received: 2005
Thesis Title: Continuity and change in a southern community : commercial and occupational development in mid-nineteenth century Orange County, North Carolina
Hershberger, Jenna
M.A. Student
Advisor: Chris Grasso
email: jkhershberger@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Atlantic World Material Culture, Fashion History
Herson-Roeser, Bennett
M.A. Student
Advisor: Joshua Piker
Current Research: Early America, Native American / Indigenous Peoples, Legal History
Hill, Kate
Archivist for Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: Just Where Do You Think You’re Going? Maternalism and Social work of the Travel’s Aid Society of Virginia
Hintz, Eileen Robin
Doctoral candidate, Managing Editor of Emory Law Journal, Emory Law School
MA received: 2003
Thesis Title: Reform, radicalism, and royalty : public image and political influence of Princess Charlotte and Queen Adelaide
Hoak, Michael Shane
Strategic Policy Leader, Humana
MA received: 2002
Thesis Title: The Men in Green: African-Americans and the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942
Holland, Jeffrey Lee
Senior Historian, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc.
MA received: 1995
Thesis Title: The Agricultural Population of Surry County, Virginia 1850-1860: Re-Examining Wealth Distribution in the Antebellum South
Holmes, Elizabeth Geesey
Law Librarian at the law firm of Partridge Snow & Hahn, LLP in Providence, RI
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: Its Founding, 1930-1936
Holzer, Dylan
M. A. Student
Advisor: Jeremy Pope
Email: [[dholzer]]
Current Research: Ancient to Early Modern West Africa, Atlantic World, Labor and Social
Houser, Myra
Assistant Professor at Ouachita Baptist University
MA received: 2009
Thesis Title: Next to the Man, and not Forgotten: Gay McDougall and the Southern Africa Project of The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 1963-1994
Hunt, Leslie Caroline
Senior Archivist, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Manuscripts Department
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: A Tradition of Doubt: Women and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Virginia
Hurst, Ronald L.
Vice President - Collections and Museums and Chief Curator, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
MA received: 1989
Thesis Title: Cabinetmakers and Related Tradesmen in Norfolk, Virginia: 1770-1820
Hutchinson, Yvette Grace
Wider Participation Advisor: Specialist in Advanced and Beacon, Oxfordshire School Development Service
MA Recieved: 1991
Thesis Title: Womanpower in the Civil Rights Movement
Iverson, Katy
California Department of Education
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: Defense Strategies during the Spanish Inquisition: Maria de Cazalla and Antonio de Medrano
Jackson, Bryleigh
M.A. Student
advisor: Jody Allen
Email: [[bpjackson]]
Jones, Jennifer Agee
Manager, Digital History Center, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
MA received: 1994
Thesis Title: "To Make Them Like Us": European-Indian Intermarriage in Seventeenth-Century North America
Jones, Zach
Archivist for the Sealaska Heritage Institute
MA received: 2008
Thesis Title: Conflict Amid Conversions: Mormon Proselytizing in Russian Finland, 1860-1914
Kabbani , Manal
Graduate Student
Advisor: Ayfer Stump
Email: makabbani@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Modern Middle East, Syrian Diaspora, United States
Kane-Russell, Victoria Eileen
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Towson University, College of Education
MA received: 1995
Thesis Title: False Lips and a Naughty Tongue: Rumors and Eighteenth Century Native Americans
Kesler, Leslie Michelle
Educational Programs Assistant, North Carolina Museum of History
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: "For Thus His Neglect": Grand Jury Presentments for Failure to Attend Church, York County, Virginia, 1750-1775
Kidwell, Jessica
Graduate Student
Advisor: Nicholas Popper
Email: jdkidwell@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Stuart England, Religious History
Kipps, Caroline Beth
Development Officer, Thomas Jefferson Mem. Foundation
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: Psalms to Plainchants: Seventeenth Century Sacred Music in New England and New France
Kolenik, Aidan
MA Student
Advisor: Andrew Fisher
Email: [[arkolenik]]
Current Research: Native American/Indigenous Peoples, Early America, History of Religion
Kramer, Samantha
MA Student
Advisor: Nicholas S. Popper
Email: [[sjkramer]]
Current Research: Medieval and Early Modern Europe, British Empire, Polar Exploration
Lewis, Stephen Haynes
Editor, Washington Post Co.
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: Filling the Political Vacuum: The United States and Germany, 1944-1946
Lisiewicz, Katharine Graydon
Account Manager in UCLA Communications & Public Outreach
MA received: 1992
Thesis Title: Those Who are Compelled to be Employed: Women, Work and Education in the Powell Family of Virginia
Looff, Kathryn
M. A. Student
advisor: Paul Mapp
Current Research: Early America, Atlantic World, Cultural and Social History
Lord, Alexandra Mary
Acting Historian, United States Public Health Service
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: Four Perceptions of Suicide in Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth-Century England
Lowe, J. Franklin
M.A. Student
Advisor: Hannah Rosen
Current Research: Southern History, Women's History
Lowe, Zachary Curtis
Blogger/Reporter for American Lawyer Magazine , Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
MA received: 2003
Thesis Title: Meanings of freedom : Virginia contraband settlements and wartime Reconstruction
Ludwick, Michael P.
Associate Director of Grants and Contracts, University of Virginia
MA received: 1995
Thesis Title: "Your Most Obedient Son": The Civil War Letters of William Tell Cobb
Lukow, Jamie
M.A. Student
advisor: Nicholas Popper
Maddox, William Stuart
Attorney, Law Offices of William S. Maddox, Esquire
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: The Quiet Diplomacy: President Eisenhower and Dien Bien Phu
Madison, Katherine
MA Student
Email: ksmadison@email.wm.edu
Current Research: late eighteenth-century American newspapers and urban community
Maglieri, Cristine Elizabeth
Program Associate, The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
MA received: 2000
Thesis Title: The Language of the Clergy, Religious and Political Discourse in Revolutionary America 1754-1783
Mansoor, Yusuf
M.A. Student
Advisor: Joshua Piker
Martin, Capt. Margaret Carol
Pilot, United States Air Force
MA received: 1997
Thesis Title: Virginia Party Politics and Texas Annexation
Martin, Shawn Jeremy
octoral candidate and assistant librarian, University of Michigan
MA received: 2000
Thesis Title: "Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends": Cardinal Wolsey and the Politics of the "Great Enterprise" 1518-1525
Masterson , Jack T.
Advisor: Chris Grasso
Email: jtmasterson@email.wm.edu
Current Research: jtmasterson@email.wm.edu
Mazur, Frances Susan
Teacher, Irmo Middle School Campus I
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: For Peace and Prosperity: The Defense, Trade and Expansion Policies of Governor Alexander Spotswood
Mazzei, Giacomo
Doctoral candidate and HGSA officer, University of Maryland - College Park
MA received: 2004
Thesis Title: The Origins of the Presidential Election the Creation of the Electoral College through the First Federal Elections
McCartney, Sarah
Assistant Teaching Professor, William & Mary and NIAHD
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: A Blueprint for the Colony: the Virginia Company Charters and the Role of Religion at Jamestown
McCartney, Sarah E.
PhD candidate in History, UNC Greensboro
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: Conversion and Commerce: The Propagation of Christianity and the Entwined Nature of Religion and Economics at Jamestown, 1607-1612
McDaid, Jennifer Davis
Archives Research Coordinator, Library of Virginia
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: "Into a Strange Land": Women Captives Among the Indians
McGehee, Elizabeth Hathhorn
Copy Editor, The Baltimore Sun
MA received: 1989
Thesis Title: White Democracy, Racism, and Black Disfranchisement: North Carolina in the 1830s
Michael, Eric Patrick
Director of Program & Development, George C. Marshall International Center
MA received: 1994
Thesis Title: Honor the Cement of a (Tennessee?) Brigade
Monahan, Pierce
M.A. Student
advisor: Julia Gaffield
Current Research: Barbary Wars; Atlantic World; National Identity
Montijo, Virginia Lynn
Managing Editor, College of William and Mary, Omohundro Institute
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: Reprinting Culture: Book Publishing in the Early Republic
Moore, Emily Renn
Doctoral candidate, College of William and Mary
MA received: 2003
Thesis Title:
Morrison, Matthew
Arts and Sciences Development Assistant, College of William & Mary
MA received: 2014
Thesis Title: Powhatan's White Dog: Tsenacommacah in the English Trading World
Nicholas , Phillip
M.A. Student
Advisor: Robert Trent Vinson
Current Research: Eighteenth-Century Jamaica; Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade
niDonnell, Christianne
Independent Writer), self-employed
MA Received: 1990
Thesis Title: The Unkindest Cut: The Decision to Withhold ICORPS from the Peninsula Campaign, 1862
Niendorf, Matt
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Email: mjniendorf@email.wm.edu
Current Research: British Empire, Indian Ocean, Exploration
Norbut, Laura
Current Position: teaches middle school in Connecticut
Packer, Sam
M.A. Student
Advisor: Scott Nelson
Email: sipacker@email.wm.edu
Current Research: political history, post-war American history, history of the South
Penn, Nicole
M.A. Student
Advisor: Christopher Grasso
email: nmpenn@email.wm.edu
Pennington, Elizabeth Carole
Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, MD
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: The Press and the prisons: Union and Confederate Newspapers Coverage of Civil War Prisons 1861-1865
Philyaw, Leslie Scott
Assistant Professor of History, Western Carolina University
MA received: 1990
Thesis Title: Virginia and Western Territorial Government 1780-1787
Popolla, Brielle
M.A. Student
Advisor: Mel Ely
Current Research: Childhood and Education, Daily life, 19th Century
Pressley, Gabrielle
M.A. Student
advisor: Leisa Meyer
Current Research: Women and Gender History, Military History/War and Society, Women in Wartime
Email: [[gsgranger]]
Raffee, Yasmeen
MA Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Reilly, Gretchen Ann
Instructor of History, Temple College
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: "Commies, Cancer and Cavities": The Conflict Over Fluoridation
Renner, Kimberly
Assistant Director, Historic Campus, College of William & Mary
MA received: 2006
Thesis Title: Narrative of White Women Captured by Indians
Reusch, Brooke Gallagher
Membership and Individual Giving Manager, Frist Center for the Visual Arts
MA received: 2001
Thesis Title: Huguenot Silversmiths in London 1685-1715
Rhoa, Maddison
M.A. Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
Current Research: Ireland, Rebellion and Independence Movements, Literary History
Righi, Brandon
Reputation Institute
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: The Right of Petition: Cases of Indentured Servants and Society in Colonial Virginia, 1698-1746
Roberts, Anna
M.A. Student
Advisor: Hannah Rosen
Email: akroberts@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Antebellum United States, African American
Roberts, David J.
History Teacher, Chestnut Hill Academy
MA received: 1991
Thesis Title: Police Reform and the Boston Police Strike of 1919
Robinson, Zoe C.
Parliamentary Reporter, Northern Ireland Assembly
MA received: 2002
Thesis Title: Women in Blue: Women in the United States Navy During World War II
Romeo, Sharon Elizabeth
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
MA received: 1997
Thesis Title: Pious Wives and “Hen-Pecked” Husbands: White Women, Evangelical Religion, and the Honor Ethic in the Old South
Rusek, Rebecca
MA Student
Email: rarusek@email.wm.edu
Sandford, Chad D
Social Studies Teacher, Manchester High School Central
MA received: 2005
Thesis Title: Practicing Piety: Sarah Jones and Methodism in 1790s Virginia
Sato, Chitose
"Lecturer" of American History, University of Tsukuba, Master's Program in Area Studies
MA received: 1991
Thesis Title: Senator Harry F. Byrd and the New Deal Reform Policy in Virginia 1933-1938
Schuth, Sam
CTMA Graduate Student
Email: soschuth@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Russia and the Soviet era
Shackelford, Maggie
Case Manager at the Program for Torture Victims
MA received: 2011
Thesis Title: Unsun Heroes: Lesbian Activists in the AIDS Epidemic in North Carolina and California, 1981-1989
Shaffer, Monica McConnaghy
Registrar-Data Center, Panhandle Plains Historical Museum
MA received: 1989
Thesis Title: Bishop William Rollinson Whittingham: Growth in the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland, 1840-1850
Siciliano, Peg Poeschl
Archivist at the History Center of Traverse City
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: The 6669th Women's Army Corps Headquarters Platoon: Path Breakers in the Modern Military
Simmons, Shea
M.A. Student
Advisor: Paul Mapp
Email: sksimmons@email.wm.edu
Smouse, Ashley
MA Student
Advisor: LuAnn Homza
Snyder, Jane
M.A. Student
Advisor: Christopher Grasso
Current Research: Cultural/Intellectual, Trans-Atlantic, History of the Book
Speth, Alana
history teacher, The Convenant School (Charlottesville, Va.)
MA received: 2011
Thesis Title: I Would Cut My Bones for Him: Concepts of Loyalty, Social Change, and Culture in the Scottish Highlands, from the Clans to the American Revolution
Springer, Emily Davies
Manager, American Institute of Aeronautics
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: "What Sorrows and What Joys": The Civil War Diaries of Chloe Tyler Whittle, 1861-1866
Stewart, Evan
MA Student
Advisor: Joshua Piker
Email: [[erstewart]]
Current Research: Nineteenth Century US, History of Politics
Swan, Philip George
Associate Professor at Hunter College, Head of Reference and Instruction in the Library Department
MA received: 1993
Thesis Title: "To Separate the Taxes from the Corn": Debts and Slaves in Post-Revolutionary Virginia
Tate, Deborah Gronich
Associated Editor, Publishers Resource Group
MA received: 1989
Thesis Title: The Image of Emiliano Zapata in the United States, 1911-1988
Thompson, Cornelia
Graduate Student
email: cpthompson01@email.wm.edu
Tucker, Alicia Liberty Boehm
djunct Professor, Thomas Nelson Community College
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: Evenings at Home: Family Life in Southside Virginia, 1760-1836
Vickory, A. Stephen
Ph.D. Student
Advisor: Dr. Joshua Piker
Email: asvickory@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Southeastern Native American history
Walsh, CJ
M.A. Candidate
Email: [[e|cjwals]]
Current Research: The material displays and ritual use of home furnishings of three artisan families in Williamsburg between 1725 and 1763.
Wang, Yufeng
Professor, History, Humanities Department, Sinclair Community College
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: Slavery in the United States and China: A Comparative Study of the Old South and the Han Dynasty
Wang, Yufeng
Professor, History, Sinclair Community College
MA received: 1988
Thesis Title: Slavery in the United States and China: A Comparative Study of the Old South and the Han Dynasty
Weber, Robert Kossuth
Librarian, National Sporting Library
MA received: 1998
Thesis Title: Plaids and Broadswords on the Altamaha
Wheelock, Jackie
M.A. Student
Advisor: Dr. Betsy Konefal
email: jawheelock@email.wm.edu
Current Research: America and the World, U.S. Diplomatic History, International Relations
Whirley, Megan
M.A. Student
Advisor: Chandos Brown
Current Research: History of Disabilities, Cultural/Intellectual History, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
Williams, James Homer
Professor of History and Director, Albert Gore Research Center at Middle Tennessee State University
MA received: 1987
Thesis Title: The Influence of the Church in Seventeenth-Century Virginia
Wood, Jackson
MA Student
Advisor: Kathrin Levitan
email: [[jewood]]
Woytonik, Kristen
Candidate in History, University of New Hampshire
MA received: 2010
Thesis Title: The Policy of Plunder: Piracy and Maritime Crime in Colonial South Carolina, 1739-1750
Zwier, Emily
M.A. Student
Advisor: Simon Middleton
email: erzwier@email.wm.edu
Current Research: Early America, Celebrations/Demonstrations, Westward Travel