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Image Specifications

Curious what dimensions to crop your photo? Find them here.


Learn about available external image editors to crop and resize your images before uploading to Cascade. Additional edits can also be made using the built-in image editor

File Types

We recommend you save your image files as .webp or .jpg for all photos and for graphics without a transparency. For graphics with transparency, we recommend .webp or .png.

File Sizes

Avoid uploading images larger than required as that will place an unnecessary burden on the Cascade databases and your users when they load the page. 

A two column table of image types and their specified dimensions.
Image Type Dimensions

100 to 300 pixels wide recommended for many use cases (maximum 920 pixels wide)

Widget 240 x 150 pixels

Primary: 200 x 200 pixels or 200 x 300 pixels recommended
Square Thumbnail: 200 x 200 pixels recommended (100 x 100 minimum)

Photoset 475 x 265 pixels
Photo Gallery 900 x 600 pixels
News Story Listing Thumbnail: 600 x 400 pixels
Feature Square Thumbnail: 200 x 200 pixels recommended (100 x 100 minimum)
Social Media Thumbnail

Preferred: 1200 x 630 pixels
Minimum: 600 x 335 pixels

Special Assets

The following assets are only available under the guidance of your Cascade manager.

A two column table of image types and their specified dimensions.
Image Type Dimensions
Grid Card

Small and large grid images: 510 pixels wide (height is variable)

Portfolio Navigation Thumbnail image: 212 x 140 pixels
Slide image: 500 x 311 pixels
Rows 50-50 image: 1288 x 860 pixels preferred (minimum 644 pixels wide)
Callout background image: 1920 x 482 pixels recommended (minimum 1500 pixels wide)

950 x 500 pixels

Banner Images

Contact your Cascade manager for assistance with banner images.

A two column table of image types and their specified dimensions.
Image Type Dimensions
Small/Medium Banners

1920 x 482 pixels

Tall/Super Banner

Preferred: 1920 x 1080 pixels
Minimum: 1390 x 940 pixels