Folder with Borrowed Content Page
Understanding a Folder with Borrowed Content Page vs. Folder with Redirect Page
Creating a Folder with Borrowed Content Page replicates the original page in a new location and keeps the content in sync with the original page. Creating a Folder with Redirect Page simply adds a link to your menu that takes visitors to the page in its original location.
Create a Borrowed Page
- Navigate to and select the parent folder for your Borrowed Page.
- Select Add Content > Borrowed Items > Folder with Borrowed Content Page
- Fill in the Folder Name (all lowercase, no spaces)
- Enter a Display Name (this will show in your menus and breadcrumbs).
- Check the box "Display in Menu?" if this page is eligible to display in your site menus — you will hide your page if you UN-check this box.
- Submit.
- Edit the index page of the folder you just created.
- Set the right column, parent and sibling checkboxes. These adjust the right column and page menu settings on just the borrowed page.
- Under Referenced Item, click Choose Page to select the original Content Page you wish to borrow (some other index page) and click Choose.
- Preview Draft. Note that in the preview in Cascade, there is an Original Page link at the top. This does not display on the published page. This indicates to editors in Cascade that this is a borrowed page and it can be used to navigate to the original page in Cascade.
- Click Submit >> Check Content & Submit
- Publish the parent folder.
- When the original Content page is edited, the changes will be applied to this Borrowed Page and display on the live site once the borrowed page is published.
Helpful Tip
You cannot borrow a Borrowed Page. You must locate the original page and borrow it. An original page can be borrowed multiple times.