Fuel Card (Voyager) Procedures
The university participates in the Fuel Card Program (Voyager Card) administered by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Under this program, the university manages the Voyager card issued to each university-owned vehicle and establishes operating procedures for all campus departments participating in the program. The Fuel Card program is designed to enable authorized individuals to purchase fuel, car washes, emergency parts, labor, and towing purchases for university-owned vehicles. The university accepts liability for all Voyager card charges consistent with university policies and procedures governing purchases and funding.
This policy contains the William & Mary (W&M) Fuel Card Program guidelines and covers all employees participating in the program. The Accounting Operations Travel Office is responsible for overseeing these procedures and is the contact for any related questions. It is the responsibility of all Fuel Card Custodians and Account Managers to read and understand the content of these procedures. A Fuel Card Custodian and a Fuel Account Manager can be the same person.
Policy IntroductionProgram AdministrationThe Fuel Card program is administered by the Accounting Operations Travel Office, which is knowledgeable about Department of Goods and Services regulations and Commonwealth of Virginia Accounting Policies and Procedures relating to the Fuel Card Program. The Program Administrators at W&M are:
The Program Administrators are responsible for:
Fuel Card Custodian and Card SecurityThe Fuel Card Custodian assumes responsibility for the physical security of a Voyager Card and its PIN (Personal Identification Number). The Fuel Card Custodian may delegate card use but assumes responsibility for card transactions. The Fuel Card Custodian shall perform duties that include, but are not limited to:
Fuel Account Manager and Card ReconciliationThe Fuel Account Manager assumes responsibility for reviewing card activity to ensure appropriate use. In addition, the Account Manager should not be a card user. The Fuel Account Manager shall perform duties that include but are not limited to:
ProceduresIssuance of Voyager CardsEvery university-owned vehicle is assigned a Voyager card. Departments are responsible for notifying the Program Administrator of acquiring a new vehicle by sending an email to voyager@wm.edu and providing the year, make, model, vin number, license plates number, and the department index to charge for the new vehicle. All new cards will be mailed directly to the Fuel Card Custodian. Card Cancellation, Transfers, Renewal and InactiveCancellation Transfers Renewal Inactive Card Daily Limits and Card RestrictionsVoyager Cards have a daily limit of 5 transactions per day with no dollar limits. Each card has a $5,000 credit line. Odometer & Pin InformationCertain security measures are configured into the cards to maintain a secure transaction system and protect against fraudulent charges. The following features are enabled in all cards:
Allowable and Disallowed PurchasesAllowable Purchases Restricted Purchases Fueling Using the CardVoyager Cards may be used to fuel university-owned vehicles only. Ensure the gas station will accept the Voyager Card before pumping gas. If the gas pump has card swipe access, use the assigned PIN. The current mileage on the vehicle needs to be keyed into the gas pump terminal. The fuel pump will prompt the cardholder for this information. The cardholder only has two attempts to put the information in correctly before the card becomes locked and cannot be used. If the card becomes locked, there are two options: use an alternate form of payment or contact Voyager assistance at the pump by calling 1-800-987-6591. Fuel Card Log and Payment FormImmediately after card use, transactions should be logged by the Fuel Card Custodian on the Fuel Card Log and Payment Form. One form should be maintained for transactions from the 1st to the 15th of the month, and another log for transactions from the 16th through the end of the month. The Fuel Card Custodian will send the Fuel Card Log and Payment Form to the Fuel Account Manager for payment requests. The Fuel Account Manager will review the logs against the invoices and will submit the Direct Payment Request Form in buyW&M to pay the invoice. Approving Invoice for PaymentA department-authorized budget approver is responsible for approving the Direct Payment Request Form in buyW&M and authorizing the payment request. Once the Direct Payment is submitted, it will route to the authorized budget approver over that index. Disputes and Erroneous ChargesDisputes Exception Codes: Erroneous Charges Card SecurityThe Fuel Card must be kept in a secure but accessible location. The account number on the card must not be posted, photocopied, or left in a conspicuous place. The card may be used only for fuel, car washes, and out-of-the-area emergencies for the card-assigned vehicle. All cards are to be used through a point-of-sale payment process, and a card Custodian must never fax, email, text, or mail their card numbers to a vendor. If the card is lost or stolen, the Fuel Card Custodian must immediately notify the Program Administrator via email at voyager@wm.edu. |
Audit Reviews and TrainingReviewsA. Quarterly Review B. Annual Review TrainingC. Annual Training |
Retention PolicyDepartments shall retain all fuel records for three (3) years plus the current fiscal year for auditing purposes. |
ViolationsAll transactions made with the Voyager Card are subject to audit and, as such, must have appropriate business justification and be accompanied by required supporting documentation. Individuals who violate these card procedures may have card privileges suspended or permanently revoked and may face additional disciplinary action. Typical suspension periods for misuse of cards will be 30 days. Severe infractions will result in the revocation of the card. Violations include but are not limited to:
Voyager Card Sanctions for Misuse Violation Action
ReferencesThis policy corresponds to and should be read in conjunction with the Department of Goods and Services: Office of Fleet Management Services, Policies and Procedures (pdf). |
Approvals and RevisionsThis procedure is effective November 1, 2018. |