The Process
The Process
Below are many resources to assist both the respondent and the person reporting a possible violation. Read more about the Honor process and check out our flow chart (PDF) of the process from start to finish.
The Community of TrustStudents, faculty and staff are all considered "stewards" of the community of trust. The Honor Code operates from the presumption that members of our community are trustworthy; thus, it is necessary to evaluate suspected behavior before one reports a matter for review by the Council (see our Faculty FAQ page for tips on how to conduct this conversation). Our process begins with a personal discussion whereby the person observing the conduct requests an explanation. Only if the explanation proves inadequate to negate the concern of a possible violation, should an official report be filed. If you are a Reporting Party, you may report the matter following your conversation with the student (or good faith effort to do so) by filling out the online report form. |
How the Process Works
Our Code requires providing the suspected student with the opportunity to explain the conduct prior to formal Honor Council Action. For more information about this requirement, see "The Community of Trust" section above. Some academic violations involving undergraduate students may be eligible for Early Resolution (first time, low-level violations only--see Appendix I of the Honor Code for a list).
The PanelDuring the school year, the Council typically conducts Panels Monday through Thursday, generally in the early evening. A Panel is comprised of two phases: the Judgment phase and the Sanctions phase if necessary). The Panel usually conducts both phases on the same night when possible. The Judgment PhaseIn the judgment phase, six Council members serve as the panel. These individuals review the available information, ask questions, and determine whether the student has violated the Code. The Respondent, the Reporting Party, witnesses, the Procedural Advisor (PA), the Investigating Committee Chair (ICC), the Student Advisor, and the Chair also are present in the hearing. The ICC will conduct initial questioning of all involved parties. The Respondent is permitted to make brief opening and closing statements. All parties may be questioned during the Panel, but there is no cross-examination as you would find in a court of law. The Sanctions PhaseIf the Panel finds the student responsible for the violation(s), the Panel usually moves immediately into a sanctions phase. The only parties involved in the sanctions phase are the Chair, the Panel, the Respondent, the PA and the student's character witnesses, if any. The Respondent is permitted up to two character witnesses and also may submit letters relevant to sanctioning. During the sanctions phase, the Panel determines the appropriate sanction(s) for the student. In accomplishing this, the Panel reviews the student's prior record (if any) and the circumstances of the violation and any extraordinary circumstances affecting the student.
AppealsStudents found responsible for an honor violation can appeal the outcome on the grounds outlined in Section XII of the Honor Code. Appeals are due within seven days of written notification of the outcome by SARP. Appeals are reviewed by the Appeals Committee through the Vice President for Student Affairs and, if the committee finds possible merit in the appeal, by the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee who makes the final decision. |
Silent Supporter GuidelinesAs our conduct resolution process is not a courtroom proceeding, but rather is part of the institution's programs designed to provide an appropriate living/learning environment for all members of our community, the role of a Silent Supporter is limited. Silent Supporters provide emotional support to the student who has requested their presence in a manner that does not disturb the proceedings. Please reference these Silent Supporter Guidelines for more information. |