About the Honor Councils
Students administer the Honor System through a system of six Honor Councils.
Each governing body overseeing the councils determines the manner for selecting its members. Members are trained and advised by Student Accountability & Restorative Practices; however, the Councils are student-run--students determine whether sufficient information exists to forward the matter for a Panel proceeding, and students determine violations and issue sanctions.
Learn more about the role of the Honor Councils.
Undergraduate Honor CouncilThe Undergraduate Honor Council is selected through an application process each February. Members are selected by a committee of their peers, faculty, and staff based on their qualifications to hold the position.
2025-26 Council Members
Arts and Sciences Council
Graduate Business Honor CouncilChairsMembersPratyush Ghosh
Samuel Herrick Shandricka Jackson Vendant Singh Jason Salton Aishwrya Balasubramonian DJ Johnston
Rob Kirby
Tanvay Shinde
Seyda Celci
Niko Naranjo
Kayla Owen
John Deacon Dickens
Crystal Fitzgerald
Holden Tian
Sunny Soni
Rachel Yim
Shreshth Kanoria
Ann Grace Perdue
Stefan Ngoh
Sabrina Malcolm
MGJW Chair (Summer 2024)Ericka Jackson
Graduate Business Honor Council Bylaws (Updated Spring 2022)Contact us at |
School of Education Honor CouncilTraci Powers, Chair MembersJarin EvaMacy Lawton Albert Yalley Lauren Didlake Traci Bunn Powers Lydia Manson
Megan Baker
Laura Hutchinson Contact us at edhonorcouncil@wm.edu Governing Body: Graduate Education Association |
Law School Honor CouncilSarah Beaube, Chair 2024-2025 Members3L Members
2L Members
1L Members
Law School Honor Council Bylaws Updated Spring 2025 See the Law School Honor Council Generative AI Presentation for important information. For more information, please see the Law School Honor Council's webpage. |
Marine Science Honor CouncilChair: Meredith Nolan, mnolan@vims.edu 2024-2025 Members