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Botetourt Theater Renovations

William & Mary engaged Glave & Holmes to revisit a 2016 concept design study for the renovation of the Botetourt Theatre in Swem Library with the goals of increasing the functionality of the space by providing ADA accessibility, increasing seating capacity, and modernizing the technology of the theater. A new selected concept removes the raised wood stage at the front of the theater to allow for increased seating and space for resloping grade of the floor to meet current accessibility requirements. Other enhancements of the renovated space include new technology, enhanced acoustics, additional egress, and new finishes and lighting.

Project Details
  • Project Number: 204-80007
  • Cost: $1,825,000
  • Fund Source: Private Funds
  • Project Start Date: April 2024
  • Construction Start Date: January 2025 (planned)
  • Finish Date: August 2025 (planned)
  • Project Manager: Anne Baskerville
  • Design Team: Glave & Holmes 
  • Construction Team: TBD
  • Progress: Design is in progress with a 2025 construction period planned.
Building Committee

Anne Baskerville, Project Manager
Carrie Cooper, Dean of University Libraries
Lisa Nickel, Associate Dean of Research & Public Services
Dan Pisaniello, University Architect
Troy DavisHead of Media Services - Swem Library

Swem Botetourt Theater Existing

Swem Library's Botetourt Theater existing conditions

Swem Botetourt Theater 1

Swem Library's Botetourt Theater
Rendering by Glave & Holmes

Swem Botetourt Theater 2

Swem Library's Botetourt Theater
Rendering by Glave & Holmes

Swem Botetourt Theater 3

Swem Library's Botetourt Theater
Rendering by Glave & Holmes

Swem Botetourt Theater Plan

Swem Library's Botetourt Theater
Rendering by Glave & Holmes