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General Requirements

What courses will I have to take?

Please review the Programme Guide and Catalog Supplement for complete information.

General Requirements

You will take a total of 120 W&M credit hours (equivalent to 480 St Andrews credit hours) in the program. Test or transfer credit does not count towards that total.

William & Mary home students must complete at least 61 W&M credit hours in residence at W&M. You will complete the Joint Degree in four years of full-time study. Only in exceptional circumstances (such as medical withdrawal) will your time be extended.

Course Specific Requirements

You are required to complete the College’s foreign language, writing, and quantitative proficiencies and a COLL 150. Other proficiencies are part of the Joint Degree structure.

During your first year on the W&M campus, you will take a 1-credit course in the Fall that will help you navigate W&M's Programme expectations. First year W&M home students will also take a 1-credit course in the Spring semester to prepare for the first year abroad. This course is optional for St. Andrews home students.

Breadth Requirement

You will satisfy the Programme's breadth requirement by taking six courses that meet the knowledge-objectives that underlie the College's existing COLL Curriculum:

  • An understanding of the world of nature;
  • An understanding of individual and social behavior;
  • A general historical knowledge of Western civilization;
  • An acquaintance with a non-Western cultural tradition;
  • A general knowledge of masterworks, genres and movements in art, music, and literature;
  • A general knowledge of major philosophical and religious systems.

You will work with your advisor to choose courses that fulfill these objectives as well as your academic goals.

Upper Level Course Requirement

You will take 22.5 credit hours in courses at the St Andrews 4000 level or the W&M 400 level (or the equivalent). 

Credit Hour Limitations

Certain courses may not count towards the Joint Degree.

  • Credits from courses taken at W&M in Applied Music, Military Science, Physical Activities, and Theatre/Speech/Dance (with certain exceptions - see the Catalog for details)
  • You may count only two introductory statistics courses toward the Joint Degree.

Exemption from degree requirements

Requests for exemption from any Joint Programme degree requirements must be presented to and approved by the Academic Director of the JDP. The request must be supported by documentation (for example, by a letter from a physician). Requests will also go to W&M's Committee on Degrees and be approved by the relevant administrators at St Andrews.

William & Mary is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. The University of St. Andrews is not accredited by SACS Commission on Colleges and the accreditation of William & Mary does not extend to or include the University of St. Andrews or its students. Further, although William & Mary agrees to accept certain course work from the University of St. Andrews to be applied toward an award from William & Mary, that course work may not be accepted by other colleges or universities in transfer, even if it appears on a transcript from William & Mary. The decision to accept course work in transfer from any institution is made by the institution considering the acceptance of credits or course work.