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Mark your calendar for Wednesday, April 2, and join us for One Tribe One Day, W&M's annual giving day! Get ready for an unforgettable day of Tribe Pride with a retro vibe.
It is important to regularly consult with your major advisor to make sure you stay on schedule to complete all degree requirements at both universities.
While you are at William & Mary, your major advisor is the person to go to for questions about coursework you take at W&M. This professor will advise you during both years in residence at the College and, via email, while you are at St Andrews.
First-year students are required to attend three advising meetings during each registration period. You will attend these meetings before you can register.
Second-year students at W&M (i.e., St Andrews home students) are also required to attend three advising meetings. The first one will occur when you arrive. The second before you register for your second semester. The third at the start of the Spring semester to determine where you will spend your third and fourth years.
You will also meet with your major advisor at the start of the academic year when you return to William & Mary. If you return for your third year, you will meet again before you register for your Spring semester and before fourth year registration. These are minimal requirements. You should communicate regularly with your Joint Programme major advisor - in person when you are on campus and via email when you are at St Andrews.
Advisors for the St Andrews Joint Programme
Dressler, Nicole History Major Advisor Office: Blair 304
Email: Regional Areas of Research: Early America, Atlantic World, United States
Thematic Areas of Research: Social and Labor, Race and Ethnicity, British Empire, Cultural/Intellectual
Johnson, Keith Film Studies Major Advisor Office: Tucker Hall 322
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 2pm-3pm and by appointment (Fall 2024)
Kaplow, Jeffrey International Relations Advisor Office: Chancellors 348, 757-221-7878
Links: Email and Webpage Office Hours: Wednesday, 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Research Interests: International Security, Conflict, Nuclear Proliferation
Lopresti, John International Relations Advisor Fields: International Trade
Email: Office (Phone): Chancellors 243 (757-221-2432)
Maliniak, Dan International Relations Advisor Office: Chancellors 347, 757-221-2266
Links: Email Office Hours: Monday 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
-sign up here Research Interests: International Relations/Political Economy, Environment
Stafford, Sarah Economics Major Advisor Fields: Environmental, Regulation
Email: Office (Phone): Chancellors 232 (757-221-1317)
Stephens, Jessica Classical Studies Major Advisor Office: Boswell 336
Phone: 757 221 2160
Email: Research interests: Roman history of the late republic
Wheatley, Kim English Major Advisor Office: Tucker Hall 229
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3.30-4.30 p.m. and by appointment (Spring 2025)
Phone: 757-221-3929