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Training Requirements

  1. Direct Service Hours: Interns must accrue a minimum of 500 direct service hours over the course of the internship for successful completion of the program.
  2. Overall Internship Hours: Interns must accrue a minimum of 2,000 overall hours over the course of the internship for successful completion of the program.
Individual, Couples, & Group Therapy 
  1. Individual/Couples Therapy: Schedule individual/couples for an average of 16 clinical hours/week.
  2. Group Therapy: Co-facilitate one therapy group with a senior staff member during the Fall and Spring semesters.
  3. Initial Consultations: Schedule three initial consultations per week on Team Day, weekly throughout the Fall and Spring semesters.
  4. Intakes: Schedule three intake appointments/week in the Fall and Spring semesters.
  5. Urgent/Crisis & Consultation Appointments: In collaboration with one’s teammate, urgent/crisis and consultation appointments are distributed throughout the day.
  6. On call: Provide at least one week of on-call/after-hours coverage per semester and one week of on-call/after-hours coverage during the summer.
Special Interest Areas/Concentrations

The training program seeks to offer training experiences and mentorship tailored to interns’ specific interests where possible. Opportunities for additional training and mentorship may include, but are not limited to:

  • Group Therapy
  • Outreach
  • Suicide Prevention Coalition
  • Multicultural Consultation
  • UCC Leadership/Student Affairs
  • Program Evaluation
  • Specific Clinical Populations

Interns are encouraged to express if they would like to pursue additional training opportunities to the Training Director. The program's Training Committee would meet to determine if offering additional training experiences are feasible. The program does not guarantee that additional training/mentorship in a specific area will be available each year. Special interest areas do not take priority over standard requirements of the internship. There is no consequence to an Intern’s standing with the program if they do not express a desire to pursue additional training opportunities beyond the standard requirements of the internship.

  1. Orientation: Observe or co-facilitate at least two outreach programs during the W&M students’ orientation.
    1. If the RA Suicide Risk Reduction/Campus Connect Training is conducted during orientation, Interns are required to co-facilitate this program in addition to the two other orientation outreach programs.
  2. Screening Programs: Participate in at least one screening program during the internship year, if offered.
  3. Mental Health Mondays (MHM): Facilitate at least 1 MHM program per semester.
  4. Didactic/Interactive Presentations: Facilitate a minimum of three didactic/interactive outreach presentations per semester (minimum of six didactic outreach programs over the course of the internship year).
  5. Campus Connect: Facilitate at least one Campus Connect suicide prevention training per semester, if offered. During the Spring semester, Interns will assist in training practicum students in the program and co-facilitate the program with a practicum student, if offered.
  1.  CCAPS-62: Interns administer and interpret the CCAPS-62 at initial consultation, urgent appointments, and every three sessions of individual therapy.
  2. Clinical Interviewing: Interns regularly engage in assessment via clinical interviews during initial consultations, urgent/crisis appointments, and intakes.
  3. Case Presentations: Interns complete one case presentation during the Fall and Spring semesters. Case presentations occur during weekly Case Conference meetings attended by all staff (see Supervision below for details on Case Conference). Case Presentation requirements are described below:
    1. Complete a short write up of the case (no more than 3 pages single-spaced) including:
      1. Demographics
      2. Relevant Background/History 
      3. Medical History 
      4. Presenting Concerns 
      5. Assessment Data (Instruments, Rationale, Results) 
      6. Diagnosis
      7. Treatment Summary 
      8.  Theoretical Approach and Conceptualization 
      9. Relevant Research/Literature (include citations) 
      10. Discussion Questions 
      11. References 
    2. During the presentation, provide a summary of the case/write-up for no more than 10-15 minutes
    3. Show a video clip illustrating your work approximately 10 minutes in length
  1. Individual Supervision: Interns receive two-hours per week of clinical supervision for individual cases, initial consultations/intakes, on-call and crises.
  2. Provision of Supervision: Interns provide 2 hours per week of individual supervision to a practicum student in the Spring semester. Based on the number of practicum students being trained each year, interns will supervise the equivalent of at least half a caseload of a practicum student during the Spring semester. Interns will meet with their practicum supervisee for 2 hours per week.
  3. Supervision of Supervision: During the Spring semester, interns receive 1 hour of supervision of supervision per week (in additional to individual supervision) overseeing their supervision of a practicum student.
  4. Group Therapy Supervision: Interns receive 1.5 hours per week of group therapy supervision. One hour of group therapy supervision occurs during weekly meetings attended by all staff members facilitating groups. This meeting will include regular discussion of group progress and informal presentations (including showing video recordings) of group therapy. The remaining 0.5 hours per week of supervision occurs during a meeting with the intern’s group co-leader to discuss and process issues relevant to your specific group.
  5. Case Conference (1-2hr/week). This meeting is considered supervision in a group format, attended by all staff members. Trainees take turns showing clips of sessions and discussing clinical issues in order to hear different perspectives and receive feedback from those in attendance. Peer input is valued and encouraged.  Practicum students also bring cases to these meetings and interns are able to provide input as a way to demonstrate their consultation, conceptualization, and clinical skills.
  6. Supervision Logs: Interns maintain a weekly supervision log for individual supervision and supervision of supervision caseloads, presenting concerns, any safety/risk concerns, and supervision discussions.
  1. Integrated Seminar: Interns meet for two hours per week during the Fall semester for this seminar covering various topics. More details provided in seminar syllabus.
  2. Diversity Seminar: Interns meet for one hour biweekly (once every other week) throughout the Fall and Spring semesters for this seminar focused on issues of identity, diversity, and social justice. More details provided in seminar syllabus.
  3. Supervision Seminar: Interns meet for one hour biweekly (once every other week) throughout the Fall and Spring semesters for this seminar focused on supervision.[1] More details provided in seminar syllabus.
  1. Staff Meetings: Attend and participate in “All Staff” meetings scheduled throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, typically one hour per month.
  2. Meetings with Training Director: Attend and participate in meetings with the Training Director, scheduled 0.5-1.0 hour per month during the Fall semester (alternating group-individual meetings), 0.5-1.0 hour per month (alternating group-individual meetings) during the Spring semester, and as needed/as requested during the summer. The purpose of these meetings is to address potential questions or concerns and/or provide feedback about the training program to the Training Director.
  3. Student Affair Meetings: Interns attend all Student Affairs meetings, typically two hours per month, including semester “Kickoffs” and end of semester celebrations.

Interns present on their personal research to the Counseling Center staff.  This presentation can be scheduled at any time during the training year.


Interns present on a topic of their choice during the practicum seminar (fall or spring semester).

Summer Project

Interns will complete a summer project of their choosing. Examples include creating psychoeducational brochures, completing a program evaluation using internal data, developing resource guides, developing training resources, improvements to counseling center website, projects identified as Counseling Center needs, etc.