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Accident Report

Sport clubs, fill out this online form anytime an injury occurs during a sport club related event.

Please note: Online Accident Reports are only accessible when using your W&M credentials. If you are having trouble accessing this form, make sure to check that you are logged in with the appropriate account.

Online Accident Report Form

First Aid Kit Restock

Sport clubs, fill this form out when you need to restock your first aid kit. Instructions to drop off your first aid kit will be given once you submit the form.

First Aid Kit Restock Form

Policy and Procedure Cheat Sheets

Sport club officers, campus recreation staff members, etc. refer to the policy and procedure cheat sheets (pdf) for quick references of our policies and procedures (such as the lightning policy, concussion policy, etc.) 

Healthy Roster

First-time users can create a Healthy Roster profile after receiving an email invite to Healthy Roster and then following the directions in the email you will receive from Healthy Roster or the How-To Document(pdf). If you are a first-time sport club member or a returning member who does not have a Health Roster account please fill out the Healthy Roster Joining Form.

Healthy Roster Joining Form

If you have not received an invitation email from Healthy Roster within a few days of filling out the Healthy Roster Joining Form, please be patient. The Athletic Trainers view and respond to form submissions on a rolling basis, during Athletic Training Hours of Operation only, and will attend to requests as soon as possible. If you have any time-sensitive or pressing Healthy Roster questions, concerns, or issues, please email [[w|campusrecatc,]].

Emergency Action Plans

Concussion Resources

Resources for anyone involved in Campus Recreation programming who suspects that they themselves, or someone they know, may have sustained a concussion.
  • Concussion Fact Sheet (pdf): an informational sheet containing Campus Recreation Athletic Training Contact information, normal signs and symptoms of a concussion, and red flag/emergent signs and symptoms of a concussion. 
  • Concussion Medical Status Form for Sport Clubs (pdf): A form that all Sport Club members with a suspected concussion are required to have filled out by a doctor and returned to the Campus Recreation Athletic Trainers.
  • Concussion Medical Status Form for Non-Sport Club Participants (pdf): A form that all Non-Sport Club Participants with a suspected concussion are required to have filled out by a doctor and returned to the Campus Recreation Athletic Trainers. This includes, but is not limited to, Intramural Sports participants and Open Recreation individuals being treated by the Athletic Trainers [for a concussion] who are not involved in Sport Club programming. 
  • Concussion Baseline Test Instructions: Please email [[w|campusrecatc,]] if you need a concussion baseline test. 
learn more about Sway and download the app (pdf)

Concussion Baseline Testing

  • We are now utilizing Sway Medical for concussion baseline testing and concussion management.
    • The Sway Medical app uses the built-in motion sensors of any mobile device or tablet to quantify postural sway (stability) and reaction time. 
    • The data is collected while the device is pressed against the chest, and a motion analysis algorithm calculates stability.
    • Sway has been repeatedly validated against force platform technology, the current gold standard for postural sway assessment.
Download the app and learn more about Sway here!Sway Download QR Code

Schedule an Appointment

Athletic Training services are available for the treatment of injuries including injury evaluations, rehabilitation, and referrals. To schedule an appointment to be seen by an Athletic Trainer, please use the link below. 


Injury Prevention

Resources related to injury prevention that can be implemented into a team’s warm-up in an effort to prevent injuries or that can be adopted by an individual into their workout routine. 

Athletic Training Informational Flyer

 View our info flyer here (pdf)