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Personnel Actions

Use this table to determine which form or system to use to submit a personnel action.

Hiring  |  Pay & Position Changes  | Termination of Job or Employment

A three-column table for organizational purposes.

Type of Action



Hire (Non-Student) Employee
Faculty PeopleAdmin
Adjunct faculty (new hire or rehire after break) PeopleAdmin
Staff PeopleAdmin
Retired faculty member returning to work PeopleAdmin Must have six-month break. If returning as adjunct, follow adjunct procedures. If returning in other non-benefited role, they will come back as hourly or PP (exempt non-benefited) — determination made by Classification & Compensation. ACA rules apply in all cases.
Hire/Reappoint Student Employee
VIMS graduate student assistantship/workship Student Employment Form  Processed by UHR; GA and workship processed on single form.
W&M graduate student assistantship EPAF Processed by UHR.
W&M graduate student assistantship (large volume) Bulk load via EPAF (work with UHR) Processed by UHR.
Resident assistant EPAF Processed by UHR.
Undergraduate or graduate student — hourly position Student Employment EPAF Processed by Student Employment, not UHR.
Student internship, fellowship, or one-time stipend payment (S1SOFI, STINFL, S1PAYW, or S1PAYV position) Student Employment EPAF Processed by Student Employment, not UHR.
Reappoint Adjunct
Fall & spring teaching Adjunct Request Form (pdf) Signed contract must accompany form.
Fall & spring teaching (large volume) Bulk load via EPAF (work with UHR) Signed contracts must accompany and agree with spreadsheet (department responsibility).
Summer teaching (individual) Summer Session Payment Authorization (pdf)


Adjunct Request Form (pdf)

Signed contract must accompany form; paid in one lump sum.

Summer Session Payment Authorization form may not allow needed position number; in that case, use Adjunct Request form. Payment should still be one lump sum.
Summer teaching (large volume) Bulk load via EPAF (work with UHR) Signed contract must accompany and agree with spreadsheet (department responsibility).
Pay & Position Changes
A three-column table for organizational purposes.

Type of Action



Faculty-Specific Actions
Summer research salary EPAF GN position.
Overload teaching Faculty Overload Authorization (xlsx) Paid in one lump sum.
W&M administrative or professorship stipends EPAF FS and FC positions.
VIMS administrative or professorship stipends PAF (pdf) FS and FC positions.
Change contract from 9- to 12-month or vice versa PAF (pdf)
Change base salary PAF (pdf) Faculty salary increases due to promotion, retention, equity, etc., usually take effect at the start of a contract year.
Actions for All Employees (Non-Students)
Award PAF (pdf)
Bonus PAF (pdf) Processed on same index as primary job.
Bonus (sign-on) PAF (pdf) Signed bonus employment agreement (doc) must accompany form. Processed on same index as primary job.
Car (or other special) stipend PAF (pdf) Processed on same index as primary job.
Cell phone stipend Wireless Communication Device Form For W&M, processed on same index as primary job. For VIMS, processed on a single index. See the policy for more details.

Classification/Compensation Review (staff only)

Changes in title, duties, classification, and/or compensation must be submitted as a class/comp review.

Competitive offer (staff only)

PAF (pdf) In consultation with UHR, a PAF can be used to change a salary. A class/comp review may also be required to update title, duties, and/or classification.

Retention increase (staff only)

PAF (pdf) In consultation with UHR, a PAF can be used to change a salary. A class/comp review may also be required to update title, duties, and/or classification.

Extend end date for temporary hourly employee

PAF (pdf)

Up to one year total time.

Please include in the comments the start date of the temp hourly job.

Funding change (faculty/staff)


Leave status change

PAF (pdf) SSRL (faculty); FMLA (W&M Sickness & Disability).

Moving & relocation payment

PAF (pdf) Signed relocation agreement must accompany form. Hits same index as primary job. See the details and agreement form under Travel's webpage.

Professional Service Agreement (active faculty and FLSA-exempt employees only)

PSA (pdf)  

Supervisor or timesheet approver change

Supervisor/Timesheet Approver Change Form (Single or Bulk (xlsx))

Needed when the supervisor or timesheet approver position number changes. This is NOT needed when a supervisor separates and a new person moves into the same position.

Should also be used to document Home Org, department, and/or building changes.

Home org, department, or building changes

Supervisor/Timesheet Approver Change Form (Single or Bulk (xlsx))

There is space on this form to designate these types of changes.

Temporary pay

PAF (pdf)

For additional duties required over and above the normal position requirements for three months or more; must be submitted at the beginning of the assignment and be over the timeframe the extra work is necessary. Any extension should also be submitted via PAF.

Actions for Student Employees 
Award or other special payments to undergrad or grad student Refer to Accounts Payable website
Funding change (GAs & RAs only) EPAF Processed by UHR.
Funding change for Student Employment positions (starts with ST, S1SOFI, STINFL, S1PAYW, or S1PAYV) Student Employment EPAF Processed by Student Employment, not UHR.
Hourly rate change Student Employment EPAF Processed by Student Employment, not UHR.
Supervisor or timesheet approver change Student Employment Form Processed by Student Employment, not UHR.
Termination of Job or Employment
A three-column table for organizational purposes.

Type of Action



Termination of employment (leaving the university completely) Online clearance form Must be initiated by supervisor or department administrator prior to the employee's last day in the office.
Termination of job only (employee still has another job) PAF (pdf) Required if an employee with an additional hourly job stops working in the hourly job.
Termination or cancellation of student hourly job only (special circumstances) Student Employment Form  Required before student can move into a non-student job. Processed by Student Employment.
Termination of GA/RA job only (special circumstances) EPAF for W&M or Student Semi-Monthly Employment Form (pdf) for VIMS Required before student can move into a non-student job. Processed by UHR.