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Helpful tips for communicating with W&M faculty

Faculty members are one of the most important audiences at William & Mary. Find ways to reach them with your announcements, news and other messaging. Did we miss any options? Let us know.

Email Communication
Table of communication channels used to reach faculty
Channel Recommended Uses & Tips Start Here Audiences
W&M Digest

A daily email digest sent to all faculty and staff members every weekday morning. Topics include office and department announcements, general campus updates, university events, new instructional resources and more. Tips:

  • Review the guidelines before posting
  • Keep items short. Headlines are 50 characters, entries are 600
  • Entries are due no later than 8:30 a.m. on the day you want to post

W&M Digest

Digest Guidelines


Faculty Listserv Sent to every current William & Mary faculty member, including professional faculty. 
  • Certain offices can send via the listserv. These include the president, provost and executive vice president. Contact the most appropriate office to explore the option.

President's Office Email

Provost's Office Email

Executive Vice President Email


Top 5 for Faculty

Almost every Monday during the school year, the provost emails all faculty members with a quick Top 5 digest of useful news. Some tips:
  • Keep submissions short; they will also be edited for length and clarity.
  • Try to submit your news by the Wednesday prior to the issue in which you wish to appear.

Top 5 for Faculty Archive

Provost's Office Email


Newsletters William & Mary's professional and shared governance organizations, as well as departments and programs, regularly issue newsletters and updates. Contact their administrators; they often welcome fresh, relevant content. Listed are some common ones to consider.

Faculty Assembly

Professionals & Professional Faculty Assembly

Staff Assembly

W&M Women's Network

W&M Websites A-Z

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Other Communications Channels
Table of communication channels used to reach faculty
Channel Recommended Uses Start Here Audiences

myW&M keeps the community current with the latest campus happenings and links to Banner, Blackboard, Email, G Suite and more.

  • Two available buttons share campus initiatives, official events, festivals and forums, websites and other appropriate special features.
  • Submit your request to Web & Design to be temporarily featured in one of the two slots.
myW&M Students
Printed Signage & Flyers

Surveys have found that printed media placed on campus is surprisingly effective. Tips:

  • Best for short-term messaging, such as event announcements.
  • Keep messages brief and visually bold.
  • Consider contacting Web & Design for visual assets.
  • Include the sponsoring department in the design, to meet posting requirements.

W&M Print & Design

W&M Print Shop

W&M Posting & Chalking Policy

W&M Brand Guidelines


W&M Events Calendar

The main university events calendar, available to the public and the William & Mary community alike.

  • Be sure to recommend your event to other relevant calendars. Owners are always looking for compatible events.
  • Check out the "Calendars in the Community" section at the bottom for links to other local calendars.

 W&M Events Calendar


Flagship Social Media

Social media is external by nature, but might help you reach your target audience. University Marketing manages William & Mary's official LinkedIn account. University Communications Content & Strategy manages William & Mary's official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. They also offer a wealth of information on their site, including:

  • Guidelines & tips
  • W&M Social Media Strategy
  • Social Media User's Guide
  • Comment Policy
Social Media @ W&M

External Communication


Other Social Media

You name it, there's an account for it -- often multiple. As you look for appropriate partners, see if they have a social media presence that might help magnify your message.

  • The linked directory lists social accounts for W&M departments and offices.
W&M Social Media Directory

External Communication


W&M News W&M News tells the stories of the university community to both internal and external audiences in an effort to highlight the people, programs, traditions and values that make W&M unique. W&M News welcomes story ideas from members of the university community.

W&M News

Have a Story Idea?

Submission Guidelines

External Communication


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Photography & Videography
Table of university photo and video options
Media Type Information & Tips Start Here Audiences
Existing Photos of  William & Mary Web & Design offers access to gorgeous photos already taken at William & Mary and available for general use.
  • Browse W&M Flickr for a sense of what already exists.
  • Fill out a short online form, "Request Photos" when you're ready.
W&M Photography


New W&M Photography You can book the university photographer, depending on availability. W&M Photography prioritizes major university events, W&M News and media releases and the W&M website.
  • Give at least seven days' notice; expect a response within two business days.
  • Available during normal business hours, except for special university priorities.

W&M Photography



Professional Head Shots

The W&M Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement offers the professional headshot booth in the Cohen Career Center for free to all students, alumni, faculty and staff. The self-service booth features a touch screen, high-quality lighting and camera equipment.

W&M Professional Headshot Booth


W&M Videography

Part of University Marketing, W&M Videography Services offers video support to offices, departments and schools across campus. The team focuses on producing creative, storytelling videos that inspire audiences to engage with the university.

  • W&M Video has a helpful guide on the team's process that walks you through what to expect.
  • Videography Services may request a 10-week notice on new projects.
W&M Videography Services


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Request a Consultation

Not sure how to get your message to the right audience? Contact W&M internal communications staff.

Gold cypher on a piece of stationary

University Brand Guidelines

Growth of the William & Mary brand requires consistent and thoughtful stewardship. These brand guidelines define the university’s editorial and graphic standards and provide access to official artwork for members of the William & Mary community.