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William & Mary Students Called to Active Duty in the Military Services of the United States

Seeking Tuition Relief, Refund of Payments, and Readmission

This section describes the way in which students whose active military duty during a time of national emergency requires sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from William & Mary may seek tuition relief, refund of payments, and reenrollment.

William & Mary students in the Reserves or the National Guard who are called to active duty after the beginning of a semester or summer session may consider two options with Academic Wellbeing in determining enrollment status with the university.  The same options are offered to active duty personnel who are transferred unexpectedly as a result of the activation of Reserve or National Guard units.

Option 1

Students may withdraw from all courses as of the effective date of the orders to report to active duty.  Upon withdrawal, all tuition and fee charges are cancelled and appropriate refunds will be processed promptly for the session in progress.  Payments received for future semesters are also refunded.  Disposition of refunds for students credited with financial aid funds are governed by state or federal refund regulations for the appropriate aid program. 

A prorated refund is given for both room and board. This refund is based on the date the student officially withdraws from William & Mary. Deposits made with the intent of securing future facilities or services are refunded in full.

Textbooks purchased for the current semester may be presented, with a copy of the applicable military orders, to the W&M Bookstore for a full refund.

Option 2

Students may take a grade of incomplete in some, or all courses, and take a leave of absence from William & Mary as of the effective date of the orders to report to active duty.  The conditions for completing coursework and receiving a regular grade must be agreed upon in writing by the student and the instructor of the course(s) in which the student is enrolled.  There will be no refund(s) issued for housing or textbooks. Upon separation from active duty, students may complete the coursework within one semester of reenrollment. Extension of incompletes may be possible beyond that point with faculty and dean approval.

To initiate either option, students must provide Academic Wellbeing with a copy of their active duty orders.  Students should seek advice and counsel from an Academic Wellbeing staff member and present a signed statement electing Option 1 or Option 2.


Reenrollment following the student’s release or return from active duty or mobilization is handled through Academic Wellbeing.  All students who leave in good standing, and have not enrolled for degree-seeking study at another institution, are eligible to return without a time limit imposed unless there are other encumbrances to their enrollment, or when accreditation or other external policies impose time limits. Undergraduate students are encouraged to work with the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs for curricular advising. 

Applicants to William & Mary who have accepted an offer of admission, but who have not yet registered in a degree program, are eligible to defer enrollment.  They are permitted to enroll with the next entering class following discharge from active duty, provided W&M receives adequate notice of the applicant’s intention to enroll.  The applicant does not need to reapply for admission or pay an additional application fee.

Information concerning academic status or reenrollment is available in the Office of Academic Wellbeing.  Information concerning tuition relief and refunds is available in the Office of Student Accounts.

Graduate students follow the same process, except that academic advising and curricular guidance are provided by the graduate program.  Graduate students must inform their graduate program when they receive the orders to report to active duty and when they seek reenrollment. Previous offers of assistantships and other financial aid are not automatically continued upon reenrollment, and graduate students must request consideration from the graduate program for such support when they seek reenrollment.