Leader Development
Building knowledge and abilities that are beneficial to the individual
Leadership Accelerator
Leadership Accelerator is a leader development program for freshmen, sophomore, and junior leaders. The program is designed to support rising campus leaders as they build a strong network with fellow leaders on campus. The workshops and activities that make up this program are aligned with the Framework for Leader Development. The fundamental philosophy behind Accelerator is that leadership is more than just a title or position, it is a process; through Accelerator students can explore this process an dhow their identities, values, and experiences shape their leadership journey!
Additional Resources and Opportunities
Student Leadership Development will continue to add and share resources and opportunities for students to explore as they work to build knowledge and abilities that contribute to their development as leaders. If you have questions or recommendations, please email [[w|leadership,Student Leadership Development]].
Consciousness of Self |
Engaging Diverse Perspectives
Leadership Efficacy |
Emotional Intelligence |
Challenge and Conflict |
Critical Thinking and Reflection |
Resilience and Persistence