Global Engagement
The mission of the Reves Center's Global Engagement Team is to promote and sustain global connections and initiatives involving students, faculty, staff and community members across William & Mary. GET does this by sponsoring and funding internationally-themed lectures, conferences, and forums; by providing expert guidance for administrative support of W&M's global events, projects, and activities; and by forging robust links between W&M and the world.
The Reves Center sponsors a number of internationally focused programs designed to celebrate W&M's international community, and facilitate cross-cultural exchange, as well as hosts endowed lectures and events which bring world-class scholars, analysts, artists, public figures and other distinguished guests to campus.
A variety of funding opportunities are available to assist faculty and students undertaking international research, conference attendance and internships. Our Faculty Fellows program supports international collaborative research and community engagement, and our distinguished lecture funds help to bring scholars, artists, and practitioners to the university.
To keep the William & Mary community informed of international happenings, the Reves Center publishes and promotes a variety of publications with an international angle.
The Reves Room is available for internationally-focused events hosted by W&M departments, offices, programs, and faculty or staff-sponsored student organizations for official events.