Software Change Requests
For PAC Lab, Classroom Podium Computers, or VDI
Do you need a certain piece of software to be installed in the podium computer in the front of the classroom? Or perhaps you need PAC lab computers to have software available for your students to use? What about a program on a Virtual Desktop (VDI)?
Because of the complexity of lab and podium computer systems, all software, even if very basic, must be thoroughly tested with our existing setup. Therefore, requests should be submitted to William & Mary Information Technology and approved at least 4 months in advance (2 months for VDI), so testing can commence as soon as possible.
View a list of software currently available on PAC Lab computers.
Making a Request
Professors or instructors requesting new software for use on PAC Lab, classroom podium computers, or VDI must send an email request to, even if the software is freeware and/or is considered very “basic” software.
For small changes to software (like newer versions of existing software), please let us know as soon as possible, and we will try to accommodate your request the best we can, usually in one or two labs. Unfortunately, the longer we wait, the more difficult it becomes to make changes to lab systems. It is often not feasible to make changes to systems within a couple weeks or just before a semester starts.
Planning for the Fall Semesters
Late March is the deadline for software requests to be incorporated by the start of the following academic year. However, requests made after that date could potentially be incorporated into one or two selected labs during a mid-year break (winter break, for instance) 4 months or more after their request approval date.
However, changes can be incorporated in all VDI desktops in a group (such as all vPAC/vPOD Labs or all vBusiness) any time of year after the 2 month lead time. For VDI software requests, please be aware that not all software will work in VDI. Part of the lead time for VDI is to test the software in the VDI environment.
Please note that we cannot guarantee we will be able to accommodate your request on VDI or lab/podium equipment, again because of the complexity of our systems. However, if you provide the required lead-time, we will have plenty of time to identify issues and work out alternatives with you, so that there are no surprises when your class starts.
Contact the Technology Support Center (TSC)
757-221-4357 (HELP) | | Jones 201, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (except holidays)