for PAC Lab and Podium Computers
The following sections list all software currently installed on or permitted on campus public access computing ("PAC") lab and podium machines, which are used in main campus teaching classrooms and computer labs. "All PAC Labs and Podiums" generally indicates the software is installed in VDI vPAC/vPOD Desktops as well.
If you need software not found in this list, refer to the Request Additional Software section after the end of it.
Software on PAC (Lab and Podium) Machines:
Software Title | Where Installed | Notes |
5Spice Analysis (Physics) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Acrobat Reader DC | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
AD (Math) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Adobe PhotoShop Elements (Boswell 240) | Boswell 240 | Retiring Summer 2024 |
Anaconda | All PAC Labs and Podiums | NOT AVAILABLE on AppStream VDI. Use Jupyter Hub instead. |
ArcGIS Pro 3.1 with Deep Learning Package | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Arena | VDI vPAC and AppStream Desktops ONLY | |
Atom Editor | All PAC Labs and Podiums | This software is discontinued and will be retired |
Audacity with plugins | All PAC Labs and Podiums | NOT AVAILABLE on VDI |
Autodesk Bldg Design (Boswell 240) | Boswell240 | |
AutoDesk Inventor (ISC3 3248) | ISC 3248 | |
AutoDesk Maya | Swem LC and Boswell 244 | |
CaseViewNet (Lawschool) | Law Podiums | |
ChemOffice 22 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
DNA Master | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Dragon Dictate (Watson) | Campus Center Watson Lab | |
DVD Region Free | All PAC Labs and Podiums | NOT AVAILABLE on VDI |
Edge Browser | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Emacs (Computer Science) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
ENVI 5.5.1 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Eviews | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Expression Encoder | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Filezilla | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
FragStats | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Gaussian 16W | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
GaussView 6 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
GhostGum GSView 5.0 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
GeoDa | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
GhostScript 9.15 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Google Chrome Browser | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Google Earth Pro | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
GraphCalc Graphing Calculator | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
IDRISI Selva | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Inkscape | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
irFanView | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Jamovi | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Java | Select Lab and Podium Systems | Please provide at least 1 week advanced notice for inclusion on PAC classroom lab or podium systems. |
JAWS assistive software (Watson) | Campus Center Watson Lab | |
Kurzweil 1000 (Watson) | Campus Center Watson Lab | |
LabQuest | Select Lab and Podium Systems | Please provide at least 1 week advanced notice for inclusion on up to three PAC podium systems. |
LexisNexis CaseMap Suite (Lawschool) | Law Podiums | |
LightWrite (Boswell 240) | Boswell 240 | Retiring Summer 2024 |
Lindo (Math) | ISC 3248 | |
Maple 2022 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Matlab 2023a with Dynare | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Matrix Game Player (Economics) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Media Viewer | Select PAC Podium Systems | Please provide at least 1 week advanced notice for inclusion on up to three PAC podium systems. |
Mercury 2021.3.0 | Select PAC Podium Systems | Please provide at least 1 week advanced notice for inclusion on up to three PAC podium systems. |
MikTex 2.9 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Minitab Web URL | (via web browser) | |
Mozilla Firefox browser | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Notepad++ | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Nuts (Chemistry) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
NXT Lego Mindstorms | Swem LC and Boswell 244 | |
Office 2021 LTS with Proofing Tools | All PAC Labs and Podiums | Some language features may not be available in VDI. |
OIV | Select PAC Podium Systems | Please provide at least 1 week advanced notice for inclusion on up to three PAC podium systems. |
Omnipage (Watson) | Campus Center Watson Lab | |
OpenOffice | ISC 3248 | |
PanOpto | All PAC Podiums | |
Paint Shop Pro | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
PC Model 9.3 (Chemistry) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
PCGive (Economics) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Photo Story 3 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | NOT AVAILABLE on AppStream and WorkSpaces VDI |
PollEV | All PAC Podiums | |
PSP Animation Shop | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
PsychoPy |
Public Access VDI and ISC 3248 |
Putty | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
PyCharm | ISC 3248 | |
QGIS | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
R and R Studio | All PAC Labs and Podiums | 1 week advance notice is generally sufficient for upgrade requests on this software, provided all interested parties agree regarding the new version. |
River Tools | Select PAC Podium Systems | Purchase a license via Request IT. 2 weeks advance notice after obtaining a license. |
Scion | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Scratch | Swem LC and Boswell 244 | |
Secure Shell and File Transfer Clients (SSH) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
SeeVogh | PODISC2018 | |
Shepards Brief (Lawschool) | Law Podiums | |
Sitation (Computer Science) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
SnagIt | PODISC1127, 2018, and select PAC Podium Systems | Purchase a license via Request IT. 2 weeks advance notice after obtaining a license. |
SPSS AMOS (IBM) 29 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
SPSS Statistics (IBM) 29 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Stata SE 18 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Surfer 8 (Boswell 240) | Boswell 240 | Retiring Summer 2024 |
Teams | PAC Labs and Podiums for Registered Users | |
UCINet | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Virtual ChemLab | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Visual Light Lab (Boswell 240) | Boswell 240 | Incompatible with Windows 11, retired. |
VLC | All PAC Labs and Podiums | NOT AVAILABLE on VDI |
Vortex (Chemistry) | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
WeDo | Swem LC and Boswell 244 | |
WestCheck (Lawschool) | Law Podiums | |
WinShell | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Wolfram Mathematica 13.3.1 | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
Wordperfect Office X8 suite (Lawschool) | Selected Wolf Law Systems | |
Xming | All PAC Labs and Podiums | |
X-Win | All PAC Labs and Podiums | This software is being retired. Please use Xming as an alternative. |
Zoom | All Podiums and Select Lab Systems |
Request Additional Software
If you wish to request additional software on a particular podium or in a particular lab, pay close attention to the requirements for it. These requirements, if any, will be found in the same section as the software itself, or on the Software Change Requests page. The requirements for new or additional software requests require advanced notice.
If the software you are looking for is not listed in one of the sections above, we will consider it as "new software". In that case, requirements are more stringent. The information found above and on the Software Change Requests page will help you plan for what you need.
Requests for version upgrades to existing software will generally be treated the same as requests for new software, except as specifically indicated above.
Even with the simplest software requests, nothing is guaranteed. Lab and Podium systems are very complex, and what works in one version may not work in another. The best policy is to let know immediately when you find out what software you require, even if it is several months in advance. Advance notice guidelines in the Requirements sections above refer to minimum advance notice, and more advance notice, though not mandatory, is always better.
Questions? Contact the Technology Support Center (TSC)
757-221-4357 (HELP) | | Jones 201, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (except holidays)