Building Trust Through Diplomacy

Jiahe Huo

Elaine Ji

Anders Johnson

Meghan Allmond
As a Government major with a Creative Writing minor, Meghan is interested in using her skills to elevate political engagement and discourse. She looks forward to learning about the mechanisms of diplomacy employed both domestically and internationally.

Ahn HongJin

Analiese Keller

Francesca Davis

Aamya Cheeseboro

Christian Cole

Addison Lindley

Nadia Khan

Lauren Leister

Alexis McClure

Jillian Dalrymple
Jillian is a senior studying biology and chemistry, with a career path in agricultural research. Over the summer she completed an internship in Tennessee conducting data collection and analysis on diseases of corn, wheat, soybean, and cotton. This included nematode sampling and processing, fungus identification using selective media, collection of crop stress data through remote sensing, and extension work with local west TN farmers. She is also active with the botany department at W&M as an assistant for the W&M Herbarium and Arboretum Project. Currently, she is on the Community Forest Management Project for Milpa Alta, Mexico, which is a project using botanical collections to develop a dichotomous key for the Indigenous People of Milpa Alta to monitor biodiversity on their ancestral lands. Jillian is also a Resident Assistant and statistics tutor at the W&M TutorZone, where she loves helping students build community and excel in their studies.
Outside of research, Jillian loves volunteering, hiking, and music. She spent the summer of 2022 working for the nonprofit Easter Seals at their summer camp for disabled individuals near Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia. She also spends time singing for a volunteer band called the SongMasters which provides free musical entertainment for seniors in nursing homes all over northern Virginia. While in TN she was active with the Jackson Friends of Oldtime Music, and currently she is in the Appalachian Music Ensemble where she plays clawhammer banjo.

Kennedy Liverpool

Kailee Renee Miller

Sara Munson

John Powers

Mia Rose Ryan

Sarah Schulte

Cara Soscie

Sophie Strauss

Vanessa Walrath

Alexander J. Zhou

Charlotte Zoeller-McCarthy

Josephine Wellons

Georgia Glaeser
Georgia is a senior at William & Mary, where she is majoring in Government. She has always been passionate about politics and current events throughout her life, and she sees herself working in D.C. in the future. Over the summer, Georgia works as a camp counselor at a 4-H center in central Georgia where she teaches kids classes like Herpetology, Entomology, and Wildlife Ecosystems. Growing up in coastal Georgia, she loves going to the beach and exploring marshland ecosystems.