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Frequently Asked Questions

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For Students
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How competitive are Study in D.C. applications and programs?

Study in D.C. applications are not meant to be rigorous or overly competitive. The goal of all of our Study in D.C. applications is to get to know you better! We want to make sure that any student who wants to study in D.C. can and the application process helps us do that.

Does Study in D.C. satisfy any COLL requirements?

Many do! Classes in the D.C. Winter Seminars, D.C. Semester Program, and D.C. Summer Session often count towards the university's COLL requirements. Visit each opportunity's individual webpage to see which courses are being offered and what requirements those courses fulfill. 

Can Study in D.C. credits count towards my major?

Potentially! Many of our courses are "Topics" courses and can be counted towards your elective credits within your major depending on your department. If you are unsure about a specific course counting towards your major, make sure you check in with your major advisor. 

Can I do a Study in D.C. program and Study Abroad?

Yes! In fact, about 50% of students who have studied in D.C. have also studied abroad according to a 2020 survey of graduating seniors!

Will financial aid cover Study in D.C.?

Sometimes! For the D.C. Semester Program, all of your normal financial aid still applies as it does when you are on campus in Williamsburg. For our other opportunities, many students are able to use additional loans and grants to cover the cost of the opportunity. We recommend that all students check in with their Financial Aid Counselor after being accepted into a Study in D.C. opportunity. 

Are there scholarships?

Yes! The W&M Washington Center runs the Study in D.C. Scholarship Fund specifically for students enrolled in our Study in D.C. opportunities. These scholarships are mostly need-based and students will know what funding they have been awarded before being asked to put down a program deposit. 

Is there housing?

Yes! For the D.C. Winter Seminars, D.C. Semester Program, and D.C. Summer Institutes, housing is available (at an additional cost) but not mandatory. Students living in W&M-sponsored housing live in either apartments or hotels in the heart of D.C., close to the W&M Washington Center, classes, and internships. Visit each program's individual webpage to see more specifics include potential housing locations and cost. 

Can I do more than one Study in D.C. program?

Yes! Many students participate in more than one Study in D.C. program.

Where are the classes held?

Majority of classes are held in the W&M Washington Center offices

How does the internship process work for the D.C. Semester Program and D.C. Summer Institutes? 

You get the best of both worlds! You'll have access to our database and all of our contacts and our team is here to help you with all of your application materials from your resume to your cover letter to conducting mock interviews. 

What is the difference between the D.C. Summer Institutes and D.C. Summer Session?

The D.C. Summer Institutes are comprised of four courses in one of three thematic areas taught by W&M professors and the W&M Washington Center team. Each institute is composed of accelerated classes and ten-week internship over summer break.

D.C. Summer Session allows students to earn 3 W&M credits through a 5-week hybrid course of mostly online class work with five consecutive evenings sessions in D.C.. 

Are internships paid?
Depends on the employer! Majority of internships are unpaid but there are some that offer payments or stipends. We do not recommend counting on a paid opportunity since we cannot guarantee payment.
I am a current student looking for housing in Washington, D.C. but I am not participating in a Study in D.C. program. Can the Washington Center help me find apartments/sublets?

While the Washington Center cannot help directly, there are two fora where alumni commonly post apartment openings and roommate requests: W&M Switchboard and the W&M D.C. Alumni Chapter Facebook Group. The Washington Center does not endorse/sponsor housing posts on either of these platforms. 

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For Parents
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How does this benefit my child? 

Students in Study in D.C. programs participate in high-impact, academic and experiential learning courses that prepare them for life after William & Mary. The W&M Washington Center provides meaningful connections that include academics, networking, and job preparedness wherein students are guided by a dedicated staff member.  

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For Faculty and Staff
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How do you select faculty for Study in D.C. opportunities?

Faculty RFPs are released every January with submission due in February. Visit our Teaching in D.C. page to learn more about professor's responsibilities for each academic opportunity and to see when the next RFP will be released.  

Can I bring a class up to D.C. for a day?
Yes! To get started, visit our Day Trip webpage. 
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For Alumni
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When I donate to the Study in D.C. Scholarship Fund, where does the money go?
100% of donations go directly to student scholarships! 
How do alumni get selected for the Washington Center Advisory Board?

If you are interested in nominating either yourself or another alumnus, you can do so with our Board Nomination Form. To learn more about the Advisory Board including board member expectations, visit our Advisory Board webpage. Selection of new board members is the responsibility of the Board Development Committee.

How can I hire a W&M intern? 

Sign up to host a W&M intern through our volunteer portal. Note that signing up for the portal does not guarantee you an intern-- your internship opportunity will be included in the Washington Center database to which students have access. 

If I hire a W&M intern, do I have to pay them?

Payment of interns is not mandatory as students receive academic credit for their internship, however we do encourage employers to provide some form of payment.

I have a full-time job that I would like to advertise. Where is the best place to post my job opening? 
W&M Switchboard is an online platform where thousands of William & Mary alumni from around the world ask for what they need and offer what they have to give with fellow alumni. This searchable site is best described as a fusion of LinkedIn, Quora and Craigslist, exclusively for W&M alumni.  Whether you need advice, know about a job opportunity, or are seeking to connect with others in your field or city, the W&M Switchboard makes it easy for you to search, ask, offer, and message.  Please note the Switchboard is for W&M alumni only. Learn more about the W&M Switchboard and additional W&M alumni career & networking resources at: If you have any questions, contact Michael Steelman.
I am looking for housing in Washington, D.C. Can the Washington Center help me find apartments/sublets?

While the Washington Center cannot help directly, there are two fora where alumni commonly post apartment openings and roommate requests: W&M Switchboard and the W&M D.C. Alumni Chapter Facebook Group. The Washington Center does not endorse/sponsor housing posts on either of these platforms. 

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