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2021 Summer Courses

For Summer 2021 we are offering an exciting mix of courses, with new courses still in the works. Many of these courses can fulfill the COLL 300 requirement. Others can fulfill the Arts or Math proficiency. Summer can be a great time to study a language. This could be the summer to complete some of your graduation requirements, or to follow up on an interest you would not otherwise have time for. We are offering some COLL 100 and COLL 150 courses so freshmen who started this spring can complete their first-year courses and begin as sophomores this fall.

Course delivery mode is noted in the course description. You can also search using the "attribute" field to find courses that match your preferred method of learning.

Please note that the course schedule is subject to change.

Finding Courses

For complete course information, please consult the Registrar's Dynamic Schedule or Open Course List. Each course listing includes the instructor's email address. If there are prerequisites listed for the course you want, contact the instructor with placement questions or consult the undergraduate Course Catalog.

Using Banner and the Dynamic Schedule

In the Dynamic Schedule: Once classes are loaded during the spring semester, choose Summer 2021 and click the Submit button.

  • To search for courses in an academic area, use the Subject box and select the area you're interested in, then scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Class Search button.
  • You can select multiple criteria on the form to narrow your search results; ctrl+a will select all.
  • To search for courses taught online, use the Attribute box. There are several options.
If you're using Banner to register, note that the system is checking prerequisites for all classes to make sure that students are properly placed. This means that students interested in taking two consecutive courses (e.g. PHYS 101 and PHYS 102) will need an "override" to register for the second course - contact the instructor for the appropriate override.

How Summer Courses Work

Together, summer terms can deliver a full semester's worth of credits in a condensed time period. Keep in mind that taking two courses at the same time during each summer session is the equivalent of a full-time academic schedule (12 credits or more) in a regular semester.

Blackboard is often used to support course delivery at W&M. Some professors use Blackboard to record and deliver lectures, or to keep track of assignments, grades, and classroom discussions.

Depending on your course's mode of instruction, you should make sure you meet the technical requirements.

Updated for Summer 2021