National Fellowships
The W&M National Fellowship webpage is a summary of prestigious scholarships that require institutional endorsement. Learn how to seek campus endorsement and become aware of the campus application deadlines.
The Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs supports student (and, in some cases, recent alumni) applications to a selection of competitive awards (listed below). These awards take the form of scholarships or fellowships and are configured in various ways, depending on the goals of the grantor institution. We have a whole system in place to help you navigate and complete the application process successfully.
Might one of these awards be a good match for you? Take a look at the list of competitive awards (below). Note that these awards are highly competitive and the criteria take into account your record of academic achievement. The application process is often complex and can take up to a year in some cases. You'll want to plan carefully (ideally, beginning in your first two years of study) and consult with our staff throughout the process.
If you decide to pursue an award opportunity, make sure you're clear on how to apply and what specifically is needed for your application. It's likely, for example, that you'll be asked to provide letters of recommendation and a personal essay or two, and that you'll be interviewed as part of the review process.