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Arts & Sciences Teaching Faculty Grants Fund

Invitation to Apply

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences is committed to making professional development funds available to all eligible continuing Arts & Sciences faculty and staff. Grants are available to Teaching Faculty, and to Professional Faculty or Staff who have contractual responsibility for teaching.

Types of Supported Activities
  • Individual or small group activities related to pedagogy or impacting curricular development
  • Conference travel related to pedagogy or impacting curricular development
  • Pedagogy-related research
  • Other faculty professional development opportunities related to contractual responsibilities
Types of Activities that are NOT Supported 
  • Departmental or programmatic events (for example, departmental lecture series) 
  • Direct curricular support (classroom or lab supplies, class trips, etc.)
  • Faculty salary or stipends 
  • Equipment purchases, standard office supplies, home office expenses

Visit the Faculty Funding page for additional funding opportunities.

Eligibility and Restrictions 

The Teaching Faculty Grant Fund (TFGF) is available to all full-time continuing Arts & Sciences teaching faculty and to professional staff who have teaching duties (subject to the restrictions listed below). It is intended to be a resource for those who have no, or insufficient, funds available from other sources to support their proposed projects. Potential alternative sources include private or ORF funds in your department or program, so you should approach your Chair and/or Program Director before filling out this form. The restrictions on TFGF applications are: 

  • You must not apply earlier than 12 months after the application deadline of your most recent successful Teaching Faculty Grants Fund proposal. 
  • You must have no outstanding funds from previously awarded Teaching Faculty Grants.
  • Reports from previously funded projects must be complete/submitted. 
  • The project in this proposal must start within 6 months of the application deadline. For example, for September 15 applications, the project must begin before March 15. 

The maximum award is $4,000 per proposal, whether from an individual or group. Faculty are encouraged to explore cost sharing/matching funds from sources outside of the A&S Dean’s Office for their project. The Dean’s Office, the Charles Center, the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, and the CLA will not provide additional support for projects that have already been allocated funds from the TFGF.

How to apply 

A&S Teaching Faculty and Professional Staff who have teaching duties may submit a proposal for funding using the form provided. A preview of the questions on the Qualtrics form can be found here.

There are four application deadlines: 

  • September 13
  • December 13 
  • March 14 
  • June 13

Notification of awards will occur within three weeks of each deadline. Funds become available immediately upon notification. 

Off-cycle requests will not be considered except under exceptional circumstances. Applicants who do not submit a proposal by a stated TFGF deadline but require funds before the next deadline may wish to request support from their Chair or Program Director. 

Proposal evaluation 

TFGF proposals are evaluated by the A&S Dean Team (including the Vice Deans, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, as well as the Director of the Charles Center) who make recommendations to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences. Funding decisions are at the sole discretion of the Dean. Requests for which there are no other, or insufficient other, funds available will be prioritized for support.

Using your grant 

To use your grant, you will work with the fiscal administrator(s) for your department or program identified in the cc list found at the bottom of your award memo. If they have questions, they should contact Kori Varner, Associate Director, Finance & Administration, Arts & Sciences. 

Approved proposals will have a deadline by which the funds must be spent. The funds will be available until the deadline, even if the deadline falls in the next fiscal year.  

Reporting requirements 

Following completion of the project or event, funded faculty are required to provide a report of no more than 400 words that describes the outcomes. Please submit your report using the FGF Qualtrics survey. Information about numbers of applications, funding decisions and project outcomes will be reported annually. Funded faculty may be asked to engage in outreach activities related to their work and/or collaborate with A&S Communications to raise awareness of the projects funded by the Teaching Faculty Grants Fund.