William & Mary Students Excel in CAMWS Translation Exams
Nine students from William & Mary received awards in the annual Latin Translation Exam held by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. A total of sixteen colleges and universities participated and eighty-one exams were submitted. Nine students from W&M got first, second, or third place awards. William & Mary received the most awards of any university by far. Furthermore, the top three performers were all William & Mary Students.
See below for a list of the W&M award winners and their prizes. Congratulations to our wonderful students!
Cash award (First place, average score 32/34):
Of eight recipients, four were from W&M, including the top three:
1. Joseph Amsbary
2.Benjamin McClarty,
3. Joshua Mutterperl
8. Lauren Keffer
Book award (Second place, average score 29/34):
Of eleven recipients, two were from W&M:
10. Holden Quaresma
11. Alec Wolfgram
Commendation (Third place, average score 24/34)
Of fifteen recipients, three were from W&M:
7. Catherine Lenshin
11. Julia Bowers
15. Julia Naglik