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Types of Pages

Used on A&S sites

A&S web sites present different types of content using different page types. The types of pages used most commonly on A&S sites are described here.

These are the items listed in the A&S asset factory. Note that some of the assets are tucked away in folders. Click the ">" to open those folders.Most Common Page Types

Standard Content Pages - If it's an index page that's not in a news or directory folder, it's probably a standard content page. 

Directories - Directory information appears on directory pages. A directory listing page displays information from directory pages that share its folder.

News - News content appears as news stories, which are summarized on news listing pages, and news blocks that appear on standard pages.

Borrowed Content - content that appears in one section of a site, but "lives" in another. Often, this content is owned and maintained by a different unit altogether. You can borrow folders with standard content pages, news stories and directory pages.

Redirects - Menu links take people to the children or siblings of the current page. Links on a menu that take a user away from the current folder's hierarchy are redirects.  For example, on the Art & Art History main page (, the menu link "Andrews Gallery" takes a user to the Andrews Gallery site (

Less Common Page Types

There are other page types that are used more rarely on Arts & Sciences sites, but you can still add them to your site using the Arts & Sciences asset factory.

Grid pages are great for wayfinding pages, or pages with a lot of links that don't need a narrative to tie them together. You cannot add them by clicking on the pink plus at the top of your Cascade window, because their use needs extra training.  If you think that you need a grid page somewhere on your site, [[creative, contact Web & Design]].

If you see a page elsewhere on the W&M site that has a format you would like to use, [[creative, contact Web & Design]] and they'll set you up. Also, if you want to add some content to your site, but are unsure of what page type to use, or how to format it, [[creative, contact Web & Design]].

Other Types of Content

Not all information is presented as a web page. Some things are displayed as part of a web page or are downloaded by users. You can upload images. If the information is something the user will download to use, you can upload a pdf. Photosets are a way of displaying images on a news story. You can use right-column items to present information related to the main point of the rest of the page.

Some types of content that you think of as being part of your department's web site are actually created and managed outside of Cascade. Events are a prime example of this. Forms can be created using Qualtrics