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5-Year Major Operational Goals

Led by Dean Raitt, the Arts & Sciences leadership team has outlined major operational goals for the next five years, beginning fall 2024. We are committed to being transparent about our major goals and the steps we are taking to achieve them. These initiatives are ambitious, and their success will require the collective effort and collaboration of our entire community. Together, we can drive meaningful progress.
Articulate and implement an academic vision and clear identity for A&S
Collaborate closely with the School of Computing, Data Sciences & Physics (SCDSP) to ensure a seamless transition and continued partnership on shared endeavors
  • Partner closely with administration, faculty and staff in SCDSP on undergraduate education and related opportunities for students
  • Partner closely with SCDSP to support cross-school collaborations in research and other initiatives
  • Continue to support the development of a cohort identity for all students, undergraduate and graduate, across A&S and SCDSP
Improve the student experience at both undergraduate and graduate level
  • Undergraduate
    • Optimize enrollment capacity to meet demand for major and COLL requirements
    • Increase capacity in required gateway courses to meet demand for specific majors
    • Partner with Registrar’s Office to ensure seamless and easy registration process
    • Increase funded mentorship and development opportunities (directed research, internships etc)
    • Increase opportunities for research travel, conference presentations etc 
    • Continually assess and improve student advising, including pre-professional advising
  •  Graduate
    • Increase stipends and support to a competitive level within each discipline
    • Increase support for health insurance
    • Increase support for research, travel and other development opportunities
Support and empower faculty to do their best work
  • Increase number of full-time faculty, with a goal of returning to a 12-1 faculty student ratio
  • Improve faculty recruitment with competitive recruitment packages, including salary and start-up
  • Increase ongoing support and resources for faculty projects and innovation, including research and new programs
  • Increase financial recognition for exceptional performance (tenure and promotion bumps, professorships and awards)
  • Refine management of schedule and enrollment to align capacity with needs
  • Work with campus partners on faculty wellbeing (compassionate, equitable and flexible leave policies, work-life balance)
  • Energetically advocate with campus partners for an effective alignment of infrastructure with research and teaching needs (new/renovated buildings, upgraded research and teaching spaces, upgraded and cutting-edge technology)
Support and empower staff to do their best work
  • Restructure administrative support for departments and programs by exploring and implementing a hybrid shared services model
  • Partner with other campus units to improve ease in operations including but not limited to procurement, hiring and upkeep of facilities
  • Improve recruitment and retention with competitive compensation packages
  • Improve support from and partnership with the Dean’s office through regular meetings, trainings, newsletters etc
  • Work with campus partners to enhance staff wellbeing, satisfaction and work-life balance
  • Recognize exceptional performance with prizes and awards
  • Support professional development
  • Establish career pathways with clear promotion structures
Maximize the impact of the A&S budget
  • Partner with external consultant (FY25) to analyze alignment of A&S revenue with needs and to analyze and suggest improvements for internal allocations
  • Advocate with the Provost and the new Executive Vice-President for Finance & Administration to maximize financial support for A&S, including reassessment of university-wide budget models
  • Enhance faculty and staff access to A&S private funds such as the A&S Annual Fund and the A&S Dean’s Innovation Fund
  • Reassess maintenance & operation (M&O) allocation to academic units and adjust where appropriate.
  • Work with Chairs and Program Directors to ensure effective use of private funds in departments and programs