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Dean's Office Principles

These principles inform all our work in the Dean’s office. We strive to foster a culture that reflects them, and we invite you to join us in strengthening that culture. If you believe that a decision we have made does not align with our principles, please do not hesitate to bring it to our attention.
Shared governance

The AAUP’s statement on shared governance defines shared governance as “the joint responsibility of faculty, administrations, and governing boards to govern colleges and universities.” Faculty have “primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status [appointments, reappointments, decisions not to reappoint, promotions, the granting of tenure, and dismissal], and aspects of student life which relate to the educational process.” The statement further notes that faculty should have “a role in decision-making outside of their immediate areas of primary responsibility, including long-term planning, budgeting, and the selection, evaluation and retention of administrators.” In A&S, faculty are consulted on academic priority-setting and on all major decisions. This consultation takes place in a variety of ways, via elected and appointed committees including the Faculty Affairs Committee and the Council of Chairs and Program Directors, at faculty meetings, and via ad hoc committees. Shared governance is only effective when faculty are fully engaged, and we invite you to take all available opportunities to participate.

Communication and responsiveness

The A&S Dean’s office is committed to open and frequent communication between our office, the A&S faculty, and the A&S staff. We have a responsibility to pass on information and decisions made elsewhere in the university where they are relevant to the interests of A&S. Again, communication is only effective when all parties are fully engaged. We expect you to attend all meetings to which you are invited, including Faculty of A&S meetings, and to read what we send you. We also encourage you to reach out to us (usually via your Chair, Director or supervisor) whenever you have something you wish to ask or to communicate. We will always do our best to respond to any communication from you in a timely manner, though in some cases it may take a little time for us to get back to you. Sometimes we will need to research or consult on our response. If the time we are taking is having a negative impact on you or the situation, feel free to remind us. We will strive to need those reminders rarely.

Mutual trust, respect and transparency

The A&S Dean’s office trusts A&S faculty and staff to always have the best interests of A&S in mind, and for that reason we will say yes as often as possible. When we have to say no, we will explain as fully as we can why we made that decision. We will always communicate with faculty and staff in a respectful and professional manner, and we expect the same from you. Where we fall short of this ideal, we expect to be called on it, and we will do the same for you.

Mutual accountability

We hold all members of the A&S community accountable for their job performance, and we expect you to hold us accountable in return. We will do our best to be responsive to your concerns, questions and requests, and we will hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism. Where members of the A&S faculty and/or staff are underperforming, we will reach out to express concern and to offer support. There will be consequences for persistent underperformance, since it affects the entire community.

Fairness, equity and flexibility

We are committed to fairness and equity in all that we do. Fairness means that we are consistent and take all factors into account when we make decisions. Equity means that we strive to eliminate barriers to success for all members of our community. All our actions and decisions are informed by a recognition that a truly inclusive community embodies both principles. Fairness and consistency should not preclude flexibility on occasion, when a situation does not exactly fit one of our paradigms or when equity demands a creative new solution.