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Reparations Committee

Aims to ​bring together scholarly research on reparations and dialogue​ on ways to enable the community

The Student Assembly Ad-Hoc Committee on Reparations was created by a Student Assembly Resolution and originated among students in conversation with the Lemon Project and other invested groups on campus. The committee itself began in 2019, in order to ​bring together scholarly research on reparations and dialogue​ on ways to enable the community. We hope to come to a ​consensus on what reparations should look like on the campus of William & Mary and collect the ​thoughts, comments, and concerns of our community​ in regards to reparations. The case for reparations is a long journey, but absolutely necessary and important to our integrity as a university. We hope you join us on this journey.

Meetings are weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm. The meeting link can be obtained by emailing the co-chairs.


The reparations committee is made up from individuals from two groups: student assembly and the community. To ensure equal partnership in these discussions the committee is co-chaired by a member of each group.

  • Co-chairs: Chance Jimenez (Student Assembly) [[e|cjimenez]] & Chardé Reid (Community) [[e|lcreid01]]
  • Student Assembly​: Senators from across undergrad and grad campus that understand and can navigate SA policies and the administration
  • Community: Concerned and active members of our community, who have a vested interest in equity and justice
General Body Member
A general body member is allowed to attend any meeting but must alert either of the co-chairs at least 2 days before (contact information above). A general body member will be able to introduce themselves at the beginning of the meeting and then voice opinions during the general body comments at the end of the meeting. A general body member is allowed to voice their opinions for at most a half-hour after the meeting if necessary. The co-chairs and any voting members that can stay on will be present to hear and respond to thoughts, questions, and concerns.

To become a general body member:
Voting Member

A voting member is allowed to speak freely for the duration of the meeting and is also able to vote with any decisions that the reparations committee makes. Voting members have viewing and editing access to all formal documents and drives that encompass the reparations committee.

To become a voting member:

  • Attend 2 consecutive reparations committee meetings
  • Apply to be a voting member: A current voting member from the committee must agree to sponsor your application, and be named when filling out the application. This can achieved through a simple email, quick conversation, or zoom direct message
**The committee co-chairs reserve the right to deny applications. Denials are infrequent, but if it does occur, the co-chairs will explain in detail the reason for denial