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For Faculty

These two resources were developed during a University Teaching Project in 2012-13 by Josh Burk, Cheryl Dickter, Karin Wulf and Janice Zeman. The first presentation was provided during several seminar classes, in order to facilitate an inclusive classroom that would respect differences in brain processing and learning.  This resource is for individual faculty member use for your particular course, but please indicate that the original source was from our UTP project or that the presentation was modified from our UTP project. Also, feel free to contact Josh Burk if you are interested in modifying this presentation and have questions regarding your modifications.

Hidden Rules - PDF

The second presentation is a summary of our findings from reviewing the relevant literature and from data that we collected. We offer suggestions that faculty may find useful. It is important to recognize that these are not demands or expectations for faculty, but rather ideas that faculty may find useful.

Neurodiversity: Creating an Inclusive College Classroom - PDF

The third presentation provides information for students on understanding the purpose of Office Hours, how to gain access to the professor or TA through office hours, how to arrange the appointment, and what to expect during the meeting.

Hidden Rules for Office Hours - PDF

The fourth presentation is the Hidden Rules for Lecture classes that provides explicit guidance on what to expect as a student in a lecture class and how a lecture class differs from a seminar.

Hidden Rules for Lecture Classes - PDF