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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions
Can I be seen at the Student Health Center if I do not have the university's Student Health Insurance?

Yes. All full-time students have paid a health fee as part of their tuition which entitles them to use of the Student Health Center. There is a fee to see a doctor or nurse practitioner and there are other charges for services rendered (see charges).

What does confidentiality mean?

For those students age 18 and over we cannot discuss your care or your state health with anyone (parents, friends, professors, etc.) without your written consent. The only exceptions are life threatening situations, or when required by law.

Where are you located?

We are located on Gooch Drive, south of Zable Football Stadium and the Sadler Center.

Do I pay when I visit the Health Center?  

Full-time students have paid a health fee as part of their tuition. This provides you with use of the Student Health Center. However, it does not cover the cost of over-the-the counter or prescription drugs, laboratory tests, orthopedic supplies, allergy injections, immunizations, and summer health fees. We also charge a provider fee for all office visits depending on the length of time and the complexity of the care needed. For any of these additional costs, payment is expected on the day of service. Forms of payment include the W&M Express card, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, as well as your W&M Student Account. You can review the charges for more information on specific fees. Charges are subject to change without prior notice.

What about insurance?

We accept only the W&M sponsored insurance plan. We are unable to accept or process claims for any outside insurance plans, but we will provide you with a statement to submit to your own insurance company. In addition, all lab tests performed by outside laboratories will be billed directly by that lab, first to the insurance company, with any remainder being billed to the student. You will need to provide your insurance information directly to the lab personnel. Please call our business manager at (757) 221-2189 with any questions.

What do I do if I get sick in the middle of the night?

Please refer to our after hours care page for assistance.

Why do you ask personal questions?

Information about your current or past health history (i.e. allergies, last menstrual period, alcohol intake, safe sex issues, smoking, etc.) is pertinent to the caregiver for proper diagnosis and treatment reasons.

Why do you ask all women if they could be pregnant?

If there is any chance you may be pregnant, the Health Center staff needs to know in order to protect your unborn baby and yourself from medication and/or treatment that could adversely affect a pregnancy.

How do I give feedback?

There are several avenues for patients to provide feedback regarding health services. You may choose to speak to the staff member providing care, the Medical Director, Office Manager, or Vice President of Health and Wellness. You also have the option of telephoning your provider or Medical Director at (757) 221-4386, or submitting your suggestions, comments or concerns using our online feedback form.


online feedback form