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FAQs about TimelyCare

Virtual Health and Well-being

As part of William & Mary partnership with TimelyMD, students now have 24/7 access to virtual care services with TimelyCare – the virtual health and well-being platform, designed for college students. There is no cost for these services for students who have paid the Health & Wellness fee. 

William & Mary Students will have access to:
1. Talk Now: Unlimited on-demand mental health support 24/7(available to all William & Mary students throughout the world), to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression, and school-related stressors. This can be a supplement to therapy, or standalone. It is unlimited.

2. Health Coaching: Unlimited access to health coaching, available to all William & Mary students throughout the world. Develop healthy lifestyle behaviors for nutrition, sleep habits, time management, and mindfulness. This can be a supplement to therapy, or standalone as well. It is unlimited.

3. Scheduled Counseling Sessions: Limited to 12 sessions per academic year (available to all William & Mary students throughout the United States). Choose the day, time (including later evenings and weekend availability), and mental health provider that works best for you. Students can look through the bios, specializations, and identities of the providers to find a good match. Over half the TimelyCare providers hold a BIPOC identity. All of their providers have training in the diverse needs of college students. This service is best for students seeking ongoing counseling services over multiple appointments, (approximately 50 minutes each). Sessions can extend to 12 appointments over the course of the calendar year, which resets each fall. Students cannot engage in concurrent individual therapy with a provider at the W&M Counseling Center and scheduled (on-going) therapy through Timely Care.

4. Self-Care Content: Visit the Explore page within TimelyCare for guided self-care content.


What is TimelyCare?

TimelyCare is a virtual health and well-being platform available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Who can use TimelyCare?

Any enrolled William & Mary student can use TimelyCare. Scheduled counseling is available wherever you are in the US, and Health Coaching and TalkNow services are available wherever you are around the world. Additionally, TimelyCare provides live translation for over 250 languages.

How can I access TimelyCare?

Register for TimelyCare online or download the app. It only takes a few minutes to register.

How do I login?

Go to or download the TimelyCare app to access care. Use your W&M email to log in.

How much does a visit cost?

There is no cost for the visits for students who have paid the Health & Wellness fee.

I already have insurance. How does TimelyCare benefit me?

With TimelyCare, you will have free, 24/7 access to providers from anywhere in the United States. You will not be asked for your insurance information. So, you’ll never have to spend time or money looking for care, whether you’re on or off campus.

What about my privacy?

TimelyCare values the privacy of students and the confidentiality of the personal health information entrusted to their providers. In order to protect this privacy, policies and procedures are put into place that limit disclosure of personal information to only those that the student has given permission, and/or those required by law or public safety. TimelyCare providers do securely send records to be electronically filed at William & Mary Counseling Center.

What can I be treated for?

TimelyCare’s providers can offer support for a wide range of common stressors and mental health concerns, and after talking with you, will together decide on the best course of treatment.

Can I download the app, even if I don’t need to use currently?

Yes, we encourage all students to download the app, so if you ever need it, you will be registered and ready to use it quickly. It only takes a few minutes to download the app and register. For questions about the service or IT support, call 1-833-4-Timely.