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Uploading Images

Step 1: Prepare your images

Crop and save images to your computer. We recommend .webp or .jpg for all photos and for graphics without a transparency. For graphics with transparency, we recommend .webp or .png.

Only use text-free graphics and photos to optimize accessibility, usability, and designFor more on our specific guidelines, review the Web Accessibility help page.

Step 2: Upload images to Cascade
  1. Remove any spaces, upper case letters or special characters in the file name on your computer. This will become the File Name in Cascade and impact the URL for the uploaded image.
  2. Navigate to and select the folder where you store images.
  3. From the top menu, choose Add Content >> Image.
  4. Browse and select, or drag and drop the image you wish to upload. The File Name field will now automatically populate — if your file name contains spaces or unapproved characters, the correct format will be provided for your convenience.
  5. Enter brief, descriptive text in the Display Name field — this will be used as your default alt text for accessibility purposes.
  6. To save, select Preview Draft and then Submit >> Check Content & Submit.
Bulk Uploading

To upload more than one image in Cascade:

  1. Remove any spaces, upper case letters or special characters in the file names on your computer. These will become the File Name in Cascade and impact the URLs for the uploaded images. Note: If a file name contains spaces or unapproved characters, the system will try to auto-correct these for your convenience when you submit. 
  2. Navigate to and select the folder where you store images.
  3. Note that all of the files to be uploaded cannot collectively exceed the 9.7 MB file size limit.
  4. From the top menu, choose Add Content >> Image.
  5. Browse and select, or drag and drop the images you wish to upload. 
  6. Submit. If any images fail to load, remove any remaining special characters from the image file names on your computer and retry.
  7. Once you have uploaded your files, you will need to edit each of them to provide the required Display Name — be brief and descriptive, as this will be your default alt text for accessibility. 
Uploading a Zip Archive

The following are steps for importing a zip file of images directly into Cascade. This method is useful if you have multiple folders worth of images you would like to upload and want to maintain the folder structure, as it will be recreated within your site when the zip archive is unpacked.

  1. Zip up the set of images. Note that all of the files to be uploaded cannot collectively exceed the 9.7 MB file size limit.
  2. Select the Cascade folder where the images will be uploaded. If you don't have a storage folder, create one.
  3. Click Add Content >> Image from the top navigation menu in Cascade.
  4. Scroll down and drag-and-drop or choose a zip file from your computer.
  5. Select 'Yes' to extract and save all of the contents into the current folder.
  6. Click 'Unpack' and you will land on a Zip Archive Report that displays the items unpacked successfully or with errors.
  7. Close. Then, refresh your view of the folder to see the files listed.
  8. Finally, you will need to edit each file to provide the required Display Name - be brief and descriptive, as this will be your default alt text for accessibility.