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External Advisory Committee

The Virginia Coastal Resilience Collaborative (VCRC) External Advisory Committee (EAC) comprises representatives from state agencies, the legislative branch, planning district/regional commissions, the private sector, military, non-governmental organizations, and academic advisors with perspectives and expertise on local, regional, and global issues related to resilience. The purpose of the EAC is to provide guidance and direction for the VCRC’s activities consistent with the VCRC’s vision, goals, and objectives.

The mission of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) is to:
  • Serve as an advisory group to the Virginia Coastal Resilience Collaborative (VCRC).
  • Ensure the VCRC and the work it promotes and engages in remain relevant and aligned with the needs of communities and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • Bring representation of distinct perspectives to a discussion of what are the most important resilience issues appropriate for the VCRC and partners to address.
  • Recommend people and organizations with whom to connect to further recommendations of the EAC and the broader vision, goals, and objectives of the VCRC.
  • Serve as an advocate for the VCRC and promote resilience in Virginia.
To accomplish its goals, the External Advisory Committee will:
  • Absent extenuating circumstances, commit to at least one VCRC External Advisory Committee each year. The VCRC EAC will meet twice a year, with one meeting taking place in person and one meeting taking place virtually.
  • Provide strategic, forward-thinking guidance to further the vision and mission of VCRC.
  • Propose project ideas to promote collaborations and evaluate new and existing projects for effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Identify fundraising opportunities and ensure that fundraising activities are conducted strategically and in alignment with the VCRC’s goals.
Committee Members

Committee members are appointed to a term of up to 3 years by the VCRC Director. Upon completion of the term, a member may be reappointed at the discretion of the VCRC Director. 

VCRC External Advisory Committee meetings will be semiannual. Fall/Winter meetings will be held in person as a half-day retreat, serving breakfast and lunch, and spring meetings via Zoom.