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Calendar Settings

The top of your Calendar Settings page offers quick access to manage Calendar Events and your live calendar. To grab the shareable web address for your calendar, right-click on the URL displayed in the blue box to copy it to your clipboard.

Calendar Info

Use the Edit button to access the general information displayed for your calendar, including its name, affiliated website URL and name, and introductory text (shown above the "Upcoming Events" on your calendar's homepage).

Note: for the Introductory Text editor, do not copy and paste directly from another source (Word, email, webpage). Clean up your text by first pasting it into a text editor such as Textpad or Notepad; or highlight pasted content and click the Remove Font Style button to remove hidden formatting.

Enable Spotlight Events

As an administrator, you can "spotlight" an upcoming event on your calendar homepage. Spotlight events can be added to the queue on the Calendar Events screen. Note: adding a spotlight event will automatically turn on the Spotlight feature for your live calendar. One spotlight event will display at a time at the top of the calendar's upcoming events. Add multiple spotlight events to act as a queue — when one event concludes, the next most imminent event automatically displays in the spotlight box. The spotlight event box will automatically drop off your calendar once the last featured event in your queue has concluded.

Event Release Preference & Allow Recommendations

Select whether events recommended to your calendar require approval or appear without your moderation. The default setting is Requires Approval. Select whether your calendar allows recommended events. Selecting Yes includes your calendar in the Additional Calendars list on the Recommend Event screen. Selecting No hides your calendar from the Recommend Event screen.


As administrator, you can grant authority to additional people to perform administrative functions for your calendar. Click on the Edit button to see the names of current administrators and editors, their permission level and email notification preference. Below that listing is a place to add new permission(s). Enter their W&M Username, select a Permission Level and select whether they should receive email notifications and click Save.

Two permission levels
  • Choosing "administrator" conveys to that person all the authority you have for administering that particular calendar
  • Events recommended by an "editor" are auto-approved on this calendar. An editor has no administrative privileges. (Note: editor is a role you might want to give to student employees who will be entering events for your calendar.)

That person will be sent an email notification that they have been given permissions to your calendar and are instructed to log in to W&M Events to verify their account. Repeat the process to add more than one administrator or editor.

Email notifications

As a calendar administrator you have the option to receive emails whenever a new event has been recommended to your calendar or when an approved event on your calendar is modified by a non-administrator (therefore changing its status back to "pending" so you can review the changes made before re-approving it on your calendar).

The email preference is per-calendar to provide you the finest-grain control. If you administer multiple calendars you will need to adjust your settings for each one.

Related Calendars

As an administrator, you can display links to related calendars on your calendar pages. Click on the Edit button to see the list of all current related calendars. Select the calendar you want to add to your Related Calendar list and click the Submit button. On larger screens this list will display in the right sidebar underneath the month widget, listing the calendars in alphabetical order. On smaller screens the right sidebar will collapse below your event details.

You cannot authorize editors to perform this function.